Search Results

Search Type: All Schools Status: Active Pending
Showing 1 - 25 of the 13683 Schools found
CDS Code Sort results by this header County Sort results by this header District Sort results by this header School Sort results by this header School Type Sort results by this header Sector Type Sort results by this header Charter Sort results by this header Status Sort results by this header
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Alameda County Community County Community Public No Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Alameda County Juvenile Hall/Court Juvenile Court Schools Public No Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Alameda County Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Alternatives in Action High Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Aurum Preparatory Academy Junior High Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Community School for Creative Education Elementary Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Connecting Waters Charter - East Bay K-12 Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Cox Academy Elementary Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Envision Academy for Arts & Technology K-12 Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Epic Charter Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Hayward Collegiate Charter Elementary Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Lazear Charter Academy Elementary Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Oakland Unity Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Opportunity Academy County Community Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Urban Montessori Charter Elementary Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Yu Ming Charter Elementary Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Alameda Adult Adult Education Centers Public No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Alameda Community Learning Center K-12 Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Alameda High High Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Alameda Science and Technology Institute Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Alameda Unified Special Education Preschool Public No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Amelia Earhart Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Bay Farm Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Coastline Christian Schools Elementary School (Private) Private No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Edison Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Showing 1 - 25 of the 13683 Schools found (Page 1 of 548)

Questions: CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Private School Data | | 916-319-0317