Search Results

Search Type: All Schools
Showing 25101 - 25125 of the 25733 Schools found
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Ventura Hueneme Elementary Art Haycox Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Charles Blackstock Junior High Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary E. O. Green Junior High Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Fred L. Williams Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Hollywood Beach Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Hueneme Christian School Elementary School (Private) Private No Closed
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Hueneme Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Julien Hathaway Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Little Explorers Child Development Center Elementary School (Private) Private No Closed
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Little Yellow Schoolhouse Elementary School (Private) Private No Closed
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Mary Law Private School Elementary School (Private) Private No Closed
Ventura Hueneme Elementary NBVC PORT HUENEME KDGN. Kindergartens (Private) Private No Closed
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Parkview Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Richard Bard Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Sunkist Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Hueneme Elementary Westminster Kindergartens (Private) Private No Closed
Ventura Mesa Union Elementary Golden Valley Charter K-12 Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Ventura Mesa Union Elementary Golden Valley Virtual Charter K-12 Schools (Public) Public Yes Closed
Ventura Mesa Union Elementary Linda Vista Adventist School Elementary School (Private) Private No Active
Ventura Mesa Union Elementary Mesa Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Moorpark Memorial Union High Moorpark Memorial High High Schools In 1 School Dist. (Public) Public No Merged
Ventura Moorpark Unified Arroyo West Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Moorpark Unified Campus Canyon Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Moorpark Unified Chaparral Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Moorpark Unified Community High Continuation High Schools Public No Closed
Showing 25101 - 25125 of the 25733 Schools found (Page 1005 of 1030)

Questions: CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Private School Data | | 916-319-0317