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Long Descriptions for the Introduction

Long descriptions for complex figures and tables in the Introduction of Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice.

Timeline of Events in English Learner History

A graphical representation of a timeline with specific events in the history of English learners, including:

  • In 2010, the State Board of Education (SBE) began adopting Common Core Standards (CCSS)
  • In 2012, the SBE adopted the California English Language Development Standards and the CA State Seal of Biliteracy was established
  • In 2014, the SBE adopted the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework
  • In 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act
  • In 2016, California voters passed the CA Education for a Global Economy Initiative, also known as Proposition 58)
  • In 2017, the SBE approved the California English Learner Roadmap Policy
  • In 2019, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction updated the CA Global 2030 Initiative

English Language Arts Data Comparisons

English Language Arts Data Comparison for English Learners

A graphical representation of additional information on distance from standard for current English learners, prior or reclassified English learners, and English Only students in English language arts.

Current English Learners:

  • 502,424 current English Learner students are 90.9 points below standards
  • Maintained 1.7 points

Reclassified English Learners:

  • 465,653 reclassified English learner students are 3.2 points above standard
  • Maintained 2.1 points

English Only:

  • 1,818,185 English Only students are 8.8 points above standard
  • Maintained 2.6 points

Mathematics Data Comparison for English Learners

A graphical representation of additional information on distance from standard for current English learners, prior or reclassified English learners, and English Only students in mathematics.

Current English Learners:

  • 502,095 current English Learner students are 106.7 points below standards
  • Maintained 0.2 points

Reclassified English Learners:

  • 465,057 reclassified English learner students are 27.3 points below standard
  • Increased 3.2 points

English Only:

  • 1,813,063 English Only students are 22.7 points below standard
  • Maintained 2.7 points

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Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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