System of Support
Supporting local educational agencies and schools to help meet the needs of their students.California's system of support is a key aspect of California's accountability and continuous improvement system. The goal of the system of support is to help local educational agencies (LEAs) and their schools meet the needs of each student they serve.
LEAs Eligible for Assistance
California's accountability and continuous improvement system is based on a three-tiered system:
- General assistance (Level 1) – resources and assistance that is made available to all LEAs
- Differentiated assistance (Level 2) – LEAs that meet certain eligibility criteria for additional support
- Intensive Intervention (Level 3) – LEAs with persistent performance issues over a period of time
LEA eligibility criteria for differentiated assistance:
Eligibility criteria for charter schools is the same as for districts and county offices of education except that charter schools must meet them in two Dashboard years (2024 and 2023 Dashboards).
LEAs Eligible for Assistance Data File
The data files for LEAs eligible for assistance can be accessed on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) web page.
Schools Eligible for Assistance
Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) support determinations under Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) were made following the publication of the 2023 Dashboard. These determinations marked the first year of California’s three-year eligibility cycle for both CSI and ATSI.
the publication of the 2024 Dashboard, California is required to determine eligibility for schools under Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) for the first time. The table below provides the timeline for ESSA assistance entry determinations.
Timeline of ESSA
Assistance Entry Determinations
2023 Dashboard (2023–24) |
2024 Dashboard (2024–25) |
2025 Dashboard (2025–26) |
2026 Dashboard (2026–27) |
eligible for CSI (Low Graduation Rate/Low Performing) or ATSI in 2023–24 will be evaluated annually to determine continued eligibility or exit for CSI/ATSI. Schools meeting the required exit criteria for CSI/ATSI will be in the eligibility pool for TSI determinations.
CSI – Low Graduation Rate Exits
Schools eligible for CSI – Low Graduation Rate will be evaluated annually to determine continued eligibility or exit for CSI – Low Graduation Rate. Those eligible for CSI – Low Graduation Rate in 2023–24 were reevaluated in 2024–25. Schools with a three-year combined four-and five-year graduation rate average at 68 percent or above are no longer eligible for CSI based on the CSI – Low Graduation Rate criteria and will exit.
CSI – Low Performing Exits
Schools will be evaluated annually to determine continued eligibility or exit for CSI – Low Performing. Those eligible under the CSI – Low Performing category in 2023–24 were reevaluated in 2024–25.
more information on CSI – Low Performing exit criteria, please see the ESSA Assistance Flyer (PDF).
ATSI Exits
initially eligible for ATSI in the 2023–24 year will be reevaluated in the 2024–25 year to determine continued eligibility or exit.
more information on ATSI exit criteria, please see the ESSA Assistance Flyer (PDF).
TSI Eligibility Criteria
not eligible for CSI or ATSI in 2024–25 are placed in the eligibility pool for TSI eligibility determinations. Both Title I funded and non-Title I funded schools are eligible for TSI if they have one or more student group(s) that, for two consecutive years, meet the criteria used for 2023–24 CSI – Low Performing determinations.
are eligible for TSI if one or more student groups meet one of the criteria on the 2023 and 2024 Dashboards, as outlined in the table below.
Criteria |
2023 and 2024 Dashboard Criteria |
Criterion 1 | All Red indicators |
Criterion 2 | All Red indicators except for one indicator of another performance color |
Criterion 3 | Five or more indicators where the majority are Red |
The student groups used for TSI are:
- Race/ethnicity (i.e., Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, Filipino, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, White, and two or more races)
- Homeless Students
- English Learner Students
- Foster Youth Students
- Student with Disabilities
- Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students
More information about TSI is available on the Targeted/Additional Targeted Support and Improvement web page.
ESSA Assistance Status Data Files
The ESSA Assistance Status Data Files can be accessed on the ESSA Assistance Status Data Files web page.
Dashboard Technical Guide
More detailed information on how California makes assistance determinations for LEAs and schools can be accessed here:
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Criteria for Differentiated Assistance (PDF)
2022 Dashboard Technical Guide
2019 Dashboard Technical Guide (PDF)