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Assembly Bill 1248

Text of Assembly Bill 1248 and its amendments to the School Accountability Report Card (SARC).

BILL NUMBER: AB 1248    CHAPTERED  09/19/1992

      CHAPTER   759

SEC. 11  Section 41409 of the Education Code is amended to read:

41409.  (a) Commencing with the 1988–89 fiscal year, and annually
thereafter, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall determine
the statewide average percentage of school district expenditures that
are allocated to the salaries of administrative personnel, as that
term is defined in accounts 1200, 1300, 1700, 1800, and 2200 in Part
I of the California School Accounting Manual published by the State
Department of Education.  For school districts using the Standardized
Account Code Structure, the term salaries of administrative
personnel are defined in object accounts 1300 and 2300 in Part II of
the California School Accounting Manual.  The Superintendent of
Public Instruction also shall determine the statewide average
percentage of school district expenditures that are allocated to the
salaries of teachers, as defined in account 1100 in Parts I and II of
the California School Accounting Manual.  The statewide averages
shall be calculated for the following types and sizes of school

           District                        ADA
         Elementary ..............   less than 1,000
         Elementary ..............   1,000 to 4,999
         Elementary ..............   5,000 and greater
         High School .............   less than 1,000
         High School .............   1,000 to 3,999
         High School .............   4,000 and greater
         Unified .................   less than 1,500
         Unified .................   1,500 to 4,999
         Unified .................   5,000 to 9,999
         Unified .................   10,000 to 19,999
         Unified .................   20,000 and greater

   (b) Commencing with the 1988–89 fiscal year, and annually
thereafter, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall determine
the statewide average salary, by size and type of district, for the
   (1) Beginning, mid-range, and highest salary paid to teachers.
   (2) Schoolsite principals.
   (3) District superintendents.
   (c) The statewide averages calculated pursuant to subdivisions (a)
and (b) shall be provided annually to each school district for use
in the school accountability report card.

SEC. 12.  Section 41409.3 of the Education Code is amended to read:

41409.3.  Each school district, except for school districts
maintaining a single school to serve kindergarten or any of grades 1
to 12, inclusive, shall include in the school accountability report
card required under Section 35256 a statement that shall include the
following information:
   (a) The beginning, median, and highest salary paid to teachers in
the district, as reflected in the district's salary scale.
   (b) The average salary for schoolsite principals in the district.
   (c) The salary of the district superintendent.
   (d) Based upon the state summary information provided by the
Superintendent of Public Instruction pursuant to subdivision (b) of
Section 41409, the statewide average salary for the appropriate size
and type of district for the following:
   (1) Beginning, midrange, and highest salary paid to teachers.
   (2) Schoolsite principals.
   (3) District superintendents.
   (e) The statewide average of the percentage of school district
expenditures allocated for the salaries of administrative personnel
for the appropriate size and type of district for the most recent
fiscal year, provided by the Superintendent of Public Instruction
pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 41409.
   (f) The percentage allocated under the district's corresponding
fiscal year expenditure for the salaries of administrative personnel,
as defined in Sections 1200, 1300, 1700, 1800, and 2200 of the
California School Accounting Manual published by the State Department
of Education.
   (g) The statewide average of the percentage of school district
expenditures allocated for the salaries of teachers for the
appropriate size and type of district for the most recent fiscal
year, provided by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, pursuant
to subdivision (a) of Section 41409.
   (h) The percentage expended for the salaries of teachers, as
defined in Section 1100 of the California School Accounting Manual
published by the State Department of Education.

Questions:   SARC Team | | 916-327-0219
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 30, 2024