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Record Layout for the DASS 1-Year Grad Rate

-Field names, types, and descriptions for the DASS 1-year Graduation. Rate Data Files. The DASS 1-year Graduation Rate is for informational purposes only and is not used for accountability reporting.
Field # Field Name Description Acceptable Value Suppression Rules
1 cds County-District-School Code 14-character string None
2 rtype Record Type S=School Record
3 schoolname School Name Text None
4 districtname District Name Text None
5 countyname County Name Text None
6 charter_flag Charter School Flag Y or Blank
Y=The school is a charter school
7 coe_flag County Office of Education Flag Y or Blank
Y=The district is a county office of education
8 dass_flag Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Flag Y or Blank
Y=The school is a DASS school
9 studentgroup Student Group ALL=All Students
AA=Black/African American
AI=American Indian or Alaska Native
PI=Pacific Islander
MR=Multiple Races/Two or More
EL=English Learner
SED=Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
SWD=Students with Disabilities
FOS=Foster Youth
HOM=Homeless Youth
10 currnumer Current Numerator

Number of graduates
Integer Blank if currdenom<11
11 currdenom Current Denominator

Number of graduates plus the number of qualifying students who did not graduate
Integer None
12 currstatus Current Status
The DASS 1-Year graduation rate
(Rounded after calculations. For further information regarding this data field refer to the CA School Dashboard Technical Guide.)
Decimal Blank if currdenom<11
13 reportingyear Reporting Year Text None
Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 22, 2024