Field # | Field Name | Description | Acceptable Values |
1 | cds | CDS Code | Text |
2 | rtype | Record Type | S=School Record |
3 | schoolname | School Name | Text |
4 | districtname | District Name | Text |
5 | countyname | County Name | Text |
6 | charter_flag | Charter School Flag | Y or blank |
7 | coe_flag | County Office of Education Flag | Y or blank |
8 | dass_flag | Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) School Flag | Y or blank |
9 | currprogessed | Number of English Learner (EL) English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Summative Assessment (SA) testers who increased at least one ELPI performance level (PL) between the prior and current year. | Integer |
10 | currmaintainPL4 | Number of EL ELPAC SA testers who maintained ELPI PL 4 (the level representing English language proficiency, ELP) between the prior and current year. | Integer |
11 | currmaintainOth | Number of EL ELPAC SA testers who maintained an ELPI PL other than the highest PL (i.e., ELPI PL 4) between the prior and current year. | Integer |
12 | currdeclined | Number of EL ELPAC SA testers who decreased at least one ELPI PL between the prior and current year. | Integer |
13 | currnumer | Number of EL ELPAC SA testers who increased at least one ELPI PL or who maintained ELPI PL 4 (ELP) between prior and current year. | Integer |
14 | currdenom | Number of EL ELPAC SA testers who had an overall PL recorded for both the prior and current years. | Integer |
15 | currstatus | CURRENT STATUS Calculation: Current year EL ELPAC SA testers who increased at least one ELPI PL plus ELs who maintained ELPI PL 4 (ELP) between prior and current year [currnumer] DIVIDED BY Current year EL ELPAC SA testers who had an overall PL recorded for both the prior and current years [currdenom]. | Integer |
16 | statuslevel | ELPI STATUS LEVEL (Determined after calculations and rounding in ‘currstatus’ field. For further information regarding this data field refer to the CA School Dashboard Technical Guide.) | 1=Very Low 2=Low 3=Medium 4=High 5=Very High 0=No Data |
17 | flag95pct | Tested less than 95% of EL population flag. LEAs and schools that did not test at least 95 percent of their English learner population on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) are assigned a “Low” Status, unless they have a “Very Low” Status. | Y or blank Y=School did not test at least 95% of their EL population |
18 | nsizemet | Schools and LEAs that had at least 30 EL students with an overall PL on the ELPAC SA in both the prior and current years have met the ‘N-size’ requirement and will receive a ‘Y’ (i.e., Yes) on the ‘nsizemet’ field. The ‘N-size’ of 30 is used to ensure that accountability results are statistically significant, valid, and reliable. Schools and LEAs with fewer than 30 EL students with an overall PL on the ELPAC SA in both the prior and current years will receive an ‘N’ (i.e., No) on the ‘nsizemet’ field. | Y=School or LEA had 30 or more EL students with an overall PL on the ELPAC SA in both the prior and current years N=School or LEA had fewer than 30 EL students with an overall PL on the ELPAC SA in both the prior and current years |
19 | nsizegroup | A school’s or LEA’s number of EL students with an overall PL on the ELPAC SA in both the prior and current years are categorized by group size. | ‘0 to 10’=Fewer than 11 EL students have an overall PL on ELPAC SA in both prior and current years (Status rate and level are suppressed) '11 to 29’=Number of EL students with overall PL on ELPAC SA in both prior and current years is 11 thru 29 (Status rate and level are reported but are not used for accountability) ’30 and Up’=At least 30 EL students have an overall PL on ELPAC SA in both prior and current years (status rate and level are reported and will be used for accountability) |
20 | reportingyear | Reporting year | Text |
Analysis Measurement and Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
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