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Local Indicators

This page provides a description of local indicators, the applicable State Board of Education (SBE) requirements, self-reflection tools and links to additional resources.

What are Local Indicators?

California's accountability system is based on a multiple measures system that assesses how local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools are meeting the needs of their students. Performance on these measures is reported through the California School Dashboard (Dashboard).

The Dashboard includes a concise set of state indicators and local indicators that are founded on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) priorities but are also aligned to the measures required under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Those LCFF priorities for which there is no state level data collected are referred to as local indicators. The seven local indicators are:

  • Basic Services and Conditions (Priority 1)
  • Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2)
  • Parent and Family Engagement (Priority 3)
  • School Climate (Priority 6)
  • Access to a Broad Course of Study (Priority 7)
  • Coordination of Services for Expelled Students (Priority 9, for county offices of education [COEs] only)
  • Coordination of Services for Foster Youth (Priority 10, for COEs only)

In addition to being a public record of progress on the Dashboard, the local indicator process serves to inform process and planning within the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Further, progress in local indicators can inform technical assistance provided through the Differentiated Assistance process. For more information, please see the California's System of Support web page.

Performance Standards

For each local indicator, the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted performance standards require an LEA to:

  1. Annually measure its progress in meeting the requirements of the specific LCFF priority; and
  2. Report the results as part of a non-consent item at the same public meeting of the local governing board/body at which the LCAP is adopted; and
  3. Report results to the public through the Dashboard utilizing the SBE-adopted self-reflection tools for each local indicator.

An LEA uses the SBE-adopted self-reflection tools to report its progress through the Dashboard. The collection and reflection on locally available information relevant to progress regarding local priority areas will support LEAs in completing the self-reflection tools, reporting in the Dashboard, and in local planning and improvement efforts.

Provided an LEA satisfies the performance standards for each local indicator, the Dashboard will automatically assign a performance level of Met. If an LEA does not meet the performance standards, the Dashboard will automatically assign a performance level of Not Met or Not Met for Two or More Years, as applicable.

Earning a performance level of Not Met for Two or More Years may be a factor in being identified for differentiated assistance.

All Local Indicator Self-Reflection Tools

This section includes the link to a document containing all of the local indicators' self-reflection tools and the performance standard for each local indicator.

Individual Self-Reflection Tools

This section includes a link to each local indicator's self-reflection tool and associated performance standards.

Basic Services and Conditions (Priority 1)

LEAs use this self-reflection tool to report progress on appropriately assigned teachers, student access to standards-aligned instructional materials and safe, clean and functional school facilities.

Priority 1 Self-Reflection Tool (DOCX; Updated Dec-2023)

Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2)

LEAs use this self-reflection tool to report progress on the implementation of the SBE adopted state academic standards.

Priority 2 Self-Reflection Tool (DOCX)

Parent and Family Engagement (Priority 3)

LEAs use this self-reflection tool to report progress on parent and family engagement.

Priority 3 Self-Reflection Tool (DOCX)

School Climate (Priority 6)

LEAs use this self-reflection tool to report student perceptions of school safety and connectedness.

Priority 6 Self-Reflection Tool (DOCX; Updated Jan-2024)

Access to a Broad Course of Study (Priority 7)

LEAs use this self-reflection tool to report progress on the extent to which all students have access to and are enrolled in a broad course of study.

Priority 7 Self-Reflection Tool (DOCX)

Coordination of Services for Expelled Students – (Priority 9, for COEs only)

COEs use this self-reflection tool to report progress in the coordination of services for expelled students in their county.

Priority 9 Self-Reflection Tool (DOCX)

Coordination of Services for Foster Youth (Priority 10, for COEs only)

COEs use this self-reflection tool to report progress in the coordination of services for foster youth students in their county.

Priority 10 Self-Reflection Tool (DOCX)

Additional Information

For more information on the Local Indicators, please visit the following webpages:

Questions: Local Agency Systems Support Office | | 916-323-5233 
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 25, 2025