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Record Layout for Local Measures: Priority 3

Field names, types, and descriptions for the Local Measures: Priority 3 Data File
Field # Field Name Description Acceptable Values



County-District-School Code

14-character string



Local Education Agency (LEA)




Parental Involvement and Family Engagement



Narrative1aRelationshipsStrengths Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe the LEA’s current strengths and progress in Building Relationships Between School Staff and Families. Text


Narrative1bRelationshipsFocusAreas Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe the LEA’s focus area(s) for improvement in Building Relationships Between School Staff and Families. Text


Narrative1cRelationshipsImproveEngagementofUnderrepresentedFamilies Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe how the LEA will improve engagement of underrepresented families identified during the self-reflection process in relation to Building Relationships Between School Staff and Families. Text


Narrative2aPartnershipsStrengths Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe the LEA’s current strengths and progress in Building Partnerships for Student Outcomes. Text


Narrative2bPartnershipsFocusAreas Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe the LEA’s focus area(s) for improvement in Building Partnerships for Student Outcomes. Text



Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe how the LEA will improve engagement of underrepresented families identified during the self-reflection process in relation to Building Partnerships for Student Outcomes



Narrative3aInputStrengths Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe the LEA’s current strengths and progress in Seeking Input for Decision-Making Text


Narrative3bInputFocusAreas Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe the LEA’s focus area(s) for improvement in Seeking Input for Decision-Making. Text


Narrative3cInputImproveEngagementUnderrepresentedFamilies Based on analysis of educational partner input and local data, briefly describe how the LEA will improve engagement of underrepresented families identified during the self-reflection process in relation to Seeking Input for Decision-Making. Text


DevelopStaffCapacityRelationships Rate the LEA’s progress in developing the capacity of staff (i.e., administrators, teachers, and classified staff) to build trusting and respectful relationships with families 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


EnvironmentRelationship Rate the LEA’s progress in creating welcoming environments for all families in the community 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full


StaffSupportRelationship Rate the LEA’s progress in supporting staff to learn about each family’s strengths, cultures, languages, and goals for their children 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


OpportunityRelationship Rate the LEA’s progress in developing multiple opportunities for the LEA and school sites to engage in 2-way communication between families and educators using language that is understandable and accessible to families 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


ProfessionalLearningPartnership Rate the LEA’s progress in providing professional learning and support to teachers and principals to improve a school’s capacity to partner with families 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


ResourcesPartnership Rate the LEA’s progress in providing families with information and resources to support student learning and development in the home 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


PoliciesProgramsPartnership Rate the LEA’s progress in implementing policies or programs for teachers to meet with families and students to discuss student progress and ways to work together to support improved student outcomes 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


LegalRightsPartnership Rate the LEA’s progress in supporting families to understand and exercise their legal rights and advocate for their own students and all students 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


SupportStaffCapacityInput Rate the LEA’s progress in building the capacity of and supporting principals and staff to effectively engage families in advisory groups and with decision-making 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


SupportFamilyCapacityInput Rate the LEA’s progress in building the capacity of and supporting family members to effectively engage in advisory groups and decision-making 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


StrategiesInput Rate the LEA’s progress in providing all families with opportunities to provide input on policies and programs, and implementing strategies to reach and seek input from any underrepresented groups in the school community 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability


CollaborationtInput Rate the LEA’s progress in providing opportunities to have families, teachers, principals, and district administrators work together to plan, design, implement and evaluate family engagement activities at school and district levels 1= Exploration and Research Phase
2= Beginning Development
3= Initial Implementation
4= Full Implementation
5= Full Implementation and Sustainability



Performance Level


Not Met



Additional Information




Date taken to local governing board




Dashboard Year


Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Friday, December 6, 2024