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Data Used for the Fall 2017 Dashboard

An at-a glance summary of the data and data years used for the fall 2017 Dashboard.

The table below lists the indicators uploaded by the California Department of Education to the Dashboard and the year(s) of data used to calculate Status and Change for the 2017 Dashboard.

2017 Dashboard

* ELA: English language arts/literacy
‡ CELDT: California English Language Development Test
† Grade 11 Smarter Balanced results are included in the College/Career Indicator. However for transparency purposes, the Distance from Level 3 will also be reported.

Indicator Anticipated Data for Status Anticipated Data for Change
Academic Indicator

2017 Average Distance from Level 3
(2017 Smarter Balanced summative Assessments for ELA* and mathematics)

2017 Average Distance from Level 3
2016 Average Distance from Level 3

Graduation Rate Indicator

2015–16 four-year cohort graduation rate (Class of 2016)

2015–2016 four-year cohort graduation rate
Three-year weighted average
(i.e., 2014–15, 2013–14, and 2012–13)

Suspension Rate Indicator

2016–17 suspension rate

2016–17 suspension rate
2015–16 suspension rate

English Learner Proficiency Indicator

2016–17 Annual CELDT‡
Results (includes only
records with current and
prior scores)
2016–17 Long Term English
Learner (LTEL) data
2015–16 reclassification

Current Year Status
Prior Year Status
2015–16 Annual CELDT Results
(includes only records with 2015–16
and prior scores)
2015–16 LTEL data
2014–15 reclassification data

College/Career Indicator

Graduates in the Class
of 2016 who are at the
Prepared level
Status only reported (No
performance level or color)

Not Applicable

Questions:   Analysis Measurement and Accountability Reporting Division | | 916-327-0219
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 30, 2024