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Growth Model FAQs

Frequently asked questions and answers for the student growth model.

General Questions | Individual Student Scores | Aggregated Scores | School Set-Up | Miscellaneous |

Acronym Definitions

  • AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination
  • CDE - California Department of Education
  • CAASPP - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
  • DASS - Dashboard Alternative School Status
  • DFS - Distance from Standard
  • ELA - English language arts/literacy
  • EC - Education Code
  • LEA - local educational agency
  • RG - Residual Gain

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General Questions

What is a growth model?

The growth model is a way of measuring students' growth between the current year assessment scores and the previous year assessment scores. The individual growth score looks at the difference between the students' expected test score and their actual test score.

When using growth scores for accountability purposes, an aggregate growth score can provide a picture of average growth for students within a school, local educational agency (LEA) or student group. California’s growth model was developed specifically to be used for accountability purposes only, and not at the individual student level, and therefore is focused on producing reliable and valid aggregate growth scores.

What grade level assessments are used to calculate a growth score?

The growth model is limited to students who were administered the assessments in grades 4 through 8. Students in grades 3 and 11 will not have growth scores in the growth model because there are no prior year test scores available to calculate growth. This means that K-3 schools, high schools and high school districts will not see growth data on their Dashboard.

What assessment data are used to calculate growth scores?

Growth scores are calculated using scale scores from the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in English language arts/ literacy (ELA) and mathematics. Scores from the California Alternative Assessments (CAA) and local assessments are not used in the growth score calculation.

How are growth scores calculated?

First the expected growth score needs to be calculated. To do this, all students are grouped together by grade level with their current year scores on one single assessment along with their previous assessment scores in both English language arts/ literacy (ELA) and mathematics. For example, all students in Grade 4 who took the ELA assessment in 2023–24 would have their current year scores along with their 2022–23 Grade 3 ELA assessment and 2022–23 Grade 3 mathematics assessment scores. The computer uses all of that information to calculate the score expected of those students in 2023–24 in grade 4. We then compare their actual score on the 2023–24 Grade 4 ELA assessment to the expected score calculated by the computer.

How many years of data are used to calculate aggregate growth scores?

Individual student growth scores are calculated using at least two years of assessment data, i.e., 2022–23 and 2023–24.

Aggregate growth scores, however, are calculated using either one year or two years of student growth scores. A simple average growth score, using only one year of student growth (i.e., two years assessment results from 2022–23 and 2023–24), is valid and reliable when it’s based on many student scores. Therefore, a simple average is used to calculate aggregate growth scores for student groups with more than 500 students in a local educational agency (LEA). However, low year-to-year stability was found when using just one year of growth at other aggregation levels. To increase the accuracy of these aggregate growth scores, California uses a weighted average of two years of growth scores (i.e., three years assessment results from 2021–22, 2022–23, and 2023–24) at the school, LEA, and school student group levels.

Why do you weight the scores?

Individual student growth scores involve two data points on two different assessments in two different years, which causes more statistical “noise” or imprecision than a single year achievement score. This can make them “bounce” up and down from year to year, especially for small groups of students. The “bounce” from year to year is addressed by the weighting. The weighting balances the need for score stability from year to year with the need to show changes in true growth as soon as it can be done with reasonable confidence. That is one reason that the weight of the current year growth is always higher than for the previous year.

What years of assessment data were used to calculate the recently released growth scores?

The growth scores released for the 2024 Dashboard are calculated using Smarter Balanced assessment data from 2021–22, 2022–23, and 2023–24.

Do the growth scores account for student demographics?

No. When growth scores are calculated, the groups of students are not separated by any demographic factors (i.e., all grade 4 students are grouped together in the calculation). This allows us to see differences in growth between demographic groups once all final scores are calculated.

How are growth scores different from using interim assessments to measure student growth?

Interim assessments are typically used several times throughout the school year to inform teaching and learning. They can be assessments of learning, or assessments for learning, and the scores from these assessments give teachers information they need to adapt teaching and learning in the moment.

The growth model score is based on summative assessment growth for an entire year, and shows the expected assessment score compared to the actual student assessment score. Summative assessments give teachers the overall picture of student learning for the year.

Is the growth data release from 2025 used for accountability purposes?

Growth data released in January 2025 is based on the results of the 2024 Dashboard. It was not used for Accountability support determinations.

Will a mini-Guide be released for the Growth Model?

The Growth Model results released in 2025 are based on the 2024 Dashboard and are published for informational purposes only and will not have an associated Technical Guide. Please visit the Growth Model web page for more information.

Individual Student Scores

Who at the LEA will be given access to the Individual Student Growth Scores File?

LEAs and schools will not receive individual growth scores for their students.

Individual student growth scores should NOT be used for measuring individual student progress. Individual student growth scores are computed as one step of the methodology for creating aggregate growth scores at the school, LEA, and student group levels.

Will individual reports be generated for each student that can be shared with parents?

Parents will not receive individual growth scores for their students.

Individual student growth scores should NOT be used for measuring individual student progress. Just like the assessment target reports from the Smarter Balanced assessments, the data are more robust and usable at the school, LEA, and student group levels. Individual student growth scores should not be used or shared with others such as teachers or families. Individual student growth scores are computed as one step of the methodology for creating aggregate growth scores at the school, LEA, and student group levels.

Instead parents should access their child’s Student Score Report to get information on their current performance on the statewide assessments. Parents can also reach out to teachers to discuss classwork, grades, and other measures of student success.

Aggregated Scores

Which aggregation methods are applied to which student groups?

A simple average is used for student groups with more than 500 growth scores in an LEA. However, low year-to-year stability was found when using one year of aggregated growth scores at other aggregation levels. To increase the accuracy of the scores California is using a weighted average for two years of growth scores (i.e., three years of assessment results) at the school, LEA, and student group levels.

If your total student group count is under 11 students in one year, but not in the next is an aggregate score generated?

A school/LEA/student group needs to have 11 students in the reporting year in order to receive an aggregate growth score. Growth data is shared for informational purposes only and therefore is displayed when there are 11 or more students.

Are growth scores computed for Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) schools?

While most DASS schools are high schools and would not receive a growth score, if a DASS school has the appropriate grade range and at least 11 students in the reporting year, they will receive a growth score.

Will the aggregated growth score ever factor into a school's Academic Indicator on the California School Dashboard? Does it seem likely that growth scores will replace Distance from Standard (DFS) as the state's measure of growth for each LEA?

Action would need to be taken by the State Board of Education to add growth scores to the Academic Indicator on the California School Dashboard, or to replace DFS with any other measurement such as growth scores.

Would California Department of Education (CDE) also consider releasing growth scores by grade level in the future?

We will be working with LEAs and others to evaluate the released growth scores, file format and data visualization prior to the next release. At that time, we may revisit the file format and data shared in our releases to better fit the needs of LEAs and stakeholders.

Will each student's expected score for the next year be made available?

Expected scores are not predicted in the prior year. Each year the expected growth changes based on the individual student’s current year score and those with similar scores. Each student will have a different expected score calculated when growth scores are released. The expected score, therefore, will not be made available before the growth scores are released. Individual student growth scores should NOT be used for measuring individual student progress. Parents should access their child’s Student Score Report to get information about their current performance on the statewide assessments.

What are the growth categories listed on the Dashboard and what do they mean?

The growth categories listed on the Dashboard are below typical growth, typical growth, and above typical growth. These categories are not used for Accountability purposes but provide more information for schools, Local Education Agencies, and education partners.

Below typical growth means the growth score and the precision range is entirely below zero. Above typical growth means the growth score and the precision range is entirely above zero. Typical growth means the growth score and the precision range crosses zero.

The State Board will evaluate the adoption of performance categories in July 2025.

Can We Use These Scores for Charter School Renewal Purposes?

AB 1505 requires the State Board of Education to adopt Performance Categories for growth in order for the data to be used for charter renewal purposes.

The State Board will evaluate the adoption of performance categories in July 2025.

School Set-Up

If our charter/LEA was dependent for those school years, but now independent, are the growth scores with the LEA we were dependent under?

The growth score calculation used in the aggregate file is based upon the status of the charter/LEA in the reporting year. If the charter/LEA has not been reorganized under a new school code, the results will stay with the school regardless of its independent or dependent status in prior years.

If a student is attending a different LEA in the year prior, and took the CAASPP, will their growth scores be included in the current LEA's scores?

Growth scores for LEAs are calculated on an annual basis using a student’s current year score at the LEA where they tested and calculating an expected score and growth score from their previous year test information no matter where they tested.


What are the differences between CDE's growth model and CORE's growth model?

CDE and CORE use a similar methodology to calculate student growth.

CORE's growth model includes demographic information into their Residual Gain (RG) calculation whereas CDE's does not. Additionally, the CDE growth score incorporates weighting and two years of growth scores to increase year-to-year stability.

Will the results be publicly released in the Excel format, or will it be summarized visually for the public?

The aggregated growth data for schools, LEAs and student groups will be released visually on the Dashboard only. A downloadable data file will not be released for these results on the 2024 Dashboard.

Is it possible (and appropriate) for an LEA to calculate an aggregate student group growth score within a school/LEA (e.g., to calculate it for students who were enrolled in a particular program, such as AVID)?

LEAs do not have information to calculate growth scores. Additionally, it is not appropriate to use the individual growth scores for any additional calculations at the school/LEA.

Is it possible (and appropriate) for an LEA to calculate an aggregate student group growth score for specific teachers?

No. California Education Code Section 44258.9 prohibits the use of specified data from being used by a local educational agency for purposes of evaluating certificated employees, certificated employee performance determinations, or employment decisions.


Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 4, 2025