This page is the Accessible Alternative Version (AAV) of Item 13 Attachment 3 from the California State Board of Education (SBE) Meeting Agenda for November 2017. The scanned Item 13 Attachment 3 (PDF) version is considered to be the official version of the document.
Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement
(REGULATIONS AND ORDERS). User entries from the STD. 399 (REV. 12/2013) Form.
Department Name: Education
Contact Person: Carolyn Nealon
E-mail Address:
Telephone Number: 916-319-0658
Descriptive Title From Notice Register Or From 400: CFIRD-Instructional Materials Adoptions
Notice File Number: Z
Economic Impact Statement
Section A. ESTIMATED PRIVATE SECTOR COST IMPACTS (Include calculations and assumptions in the rulemaking record.)
Section A.1. Check the appropriate box(es) below to indicate whether this regulation:
- Selected option is A.1a: Impacts business and/or employees
- Selected option is A.1b: Impacts small businesses
If any box in Items 1 a through g is checked, complete this Economic Impact Statement.
- Selected option is A.2: The California Department of Education (Agency/Department) estimates that the economic impact of this regulation (which includes the fiscal impact) is: Below $10 million
- Selected Option A.3: Enter the total number of businesses impacted: Varies (see D-2)
Describe the types of businesses (include nonprofits): Textbook publishers - Selected option is A.4: Enter the number of businesses that will be created: 0 eliminated: 0
- Selected option is A.5: Indicate the geographic extent of impacts: Statewide
- Selected option is A.6: Enter the number of jobs created: 0 and eliminated: 0
- Selected option is A.7: Will the regulation affect the ability of California businesses to compete with other states by making it more costly to produce goods or services here? No
Section B. ESTIMATED COSTS (Include calculations and assumptions in the rulemaking record).
- Selected option is B.1: What are the total statewide dollar costs that businesses and individuals may incur to comply with this regulation over its lifetime? $2-3 million
- B.1a: Initial costs for a small business: $0, Annual ongoing costs: $0, Years: 8
- B.1b: Initial costs for a typical business: $Vary: $8K/grade & prog., Annual ongoing costs: $8K/grade & prog., Years: 8
- B.1c: Initial costs for an individual: $0, Annual ongoing costs: $0, Years: 8
- B.1d: Describe other economic costs that may occur: Instructional materials are to be adopted at least once every eight years in each of the seven content areas. The statewide cost of these regulations assumes one complete adoption cycle, though there is no sunset date in the regulations.
- Selected option is B.4: Will this regulation directly impact housing costs? NO
- Selected option is B.5: Are there comparable Federal regulations? NO
Section C: ESTIMATED BENEFITS (Estimation of the dollar value of benefits is not specifically required by rulemaking law, but encouraged.)
- Selected option is C.1: Briefly summarize the benefits of the regulation, which may include among others, the health and welfare of California residents, worker safety and the State’s environment: Regulations establish a uniform publisher fee methodology, providing the necessary resources to support the timely adoption of accurate, up-to-date and relevant instructional materials.
- Selected option is C.2: Are the benefits the result of: specific statutory requirements
- Selected option is C.3: What are the total statewide benefits from this regulation over its lifetime? $ see C1
Section D. ALTERNATIVES TO THE REGULATION (Include calculations and assumptions in the rulemaking record. Estimation of the dollar value of benefits is not specifically required by rulemaking law, but encouraged.)
- Selected option is D.1: List alternatives considered and describe them below. If no alternatives were considered, explain why not: No alternatives were analyzed; fee is based on historical costs of instructional materials adoptions. Statutory changes prohibit future use of general fund revenues to support adoptions.
- Selected option is D.2: Summarize the total statewide costs and benefits from this regulation and each alternative considered:
- Regulation: Benefit: $ See C1, Cost: $2-3 million
- Explain: N/A
Section E. MAJOR REGULATIONS (Include calculations and assumptions in the rulemaking record).
California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) boards, offices and departments are required to submit the following (per Health and Safety Code section 57005). Otherwise, skip to E4.
- Selected option is E.1: Will the estimated costs of this regulation to California business enterprises exceed $10 million: NO
- Selected option is E.4: Will the regulation subject to OAL review have an estimated economic impact to business enterprises and individuals located in or doing business in California exceeding $50 million in any 12-month period between the date the major regulation is estimated to be filed with the Secretary of State through 12 months after the major regulation is estimated to be fully implemented? NO
- The benefits of the regulations, including, but not limited to, benefits to the health, safety, and welfare of California residents, worker safety, and the state’s environment and quality of life, among any other benefits identified by the agency: Ensures adequate resources to support the timely adoption of accurate, up-to-date and relevant instructional materials in public schools.
Section A. FISCAL EFFECT ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT (Indicate appropriate boxes1 through 6 and attach calculations and assumptions of fiscal impact for the current year and two subsequent Fiscal Years.)
- Selected option is 5: No fiscal impact exists. This regulation does not affect any local entity or program.
Section B. FISCAL EFFECT ON STATE GOVERNMENT (Indicate appropriate boxes 1 through 4 and attach calculations and assumptions of fiscal impact for the current year and two subsequent Fiscal Years.)
- Selected option is B.1: Additional expenditures in the current State Fiscal Year. (Approximate) $320K-370K.
It is anticipated that State agencies will:
- Selected option is B.1b: Increase the currently authorized budget level for the 2017-18 through 2024-25 Fiscal Year.
Section C. FISCAL EFFECT ON FEDERAL FUNDING OF STATE PROGRAMS (Indicate appropriate boxes1 through 4 and attach calculations and assumptions of fiscal impact for the current year and two subsequent Fiscal Years.)
- Selected option is 3: No fiscal impact exists. This regulation does not affect any federally funded State agency or program.
Fiscal Officer signature box: Signed by Carolyn Nealon dated June 12, 2017
The signature attests that the agency has completed the STD. 399 according to the instructions in the State Administrative Manual (SAM) sections 6601-6616, and understands the impacts of the proposed rulemaking. State boards, offices, or departments not under an Agency Secretary must have the form signed by the highest ranking official in the organization.
Agency Secretary signature box: Contains signature dated June 19, 2017
Finance approval and signature is required when SAM sections 6601-6616 require completion of Fiscal Impact Statement in the STD. 399.
Department of Finance Program Budget Manager signature box: Contains signature dated September 8, 2017