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February 19, 2016 Science SMC Meeting Minutes

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education


Science Subject Matter Committee Meeting

FINAL MEETING MINUTES: February 19, 2016

(Approved on May 19, 2016)



Report of Action

Friday, February 19, 2016

Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Present:
  • Lauryn Wild, IQC Chair
  • Rob Foster, SMC Chair
  • Dean Reese, SMC Vice Chair
  • Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
  • Soomin Chao
  • Lizette Diaz
  • Lori Freiermuth
  • Bill Honig
  • Jennifer Woo
Executive Director:
  • Thomas Adams
State Board of Education Liaison Present:
  • Ilene Straus
  • Trish Williams
  1. Science Subject Matter Committee
  1. Call to Order
    SMC Chair Foster called the Science SMC meeting to order at approximately 9 am. He stated that the Science SMC would review the field review reports regarding the draft Science Framework, discuss suggested revisions/edits on the draft framework, and would come to consensus on recommendations/actions to forward to the IQC meeting on May 19, 2016. The recommendations would provide the writer and staff with clear directions for editing the draft framework and prepare it for a second public posting and presentation to the SBE.

  2. Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
    SMC Chair Foster stated that the field review comments were submitted two ways. The first was the online survey (Item B) and Science Framework E-mail Inbox (Item D) which contained 132 attachments.

    Bryan Boyd thanked numerous divisions at the CDE, who participated in an internal review, for their feedback on the Science Framework (Item C). Matthew d’Alessio and Bryan Boyd led the Science SMC in the “Three Dimensional Learning and Model Vignette Activity” in preparation for the revision and editing of the draft Science Framework.

    Bryan Boyd provided the process for reviewing all of the edits and comments from the field. The Science SMC would first address any general or overall edits to the framework, and then address the document chapter-by-chapter. The SMC used Items A1 and A2, the charts of various revisions and edits as their guide, in the following order: (1) a report on the revisions by the writer; (2) SMC consensus on line edits and general edits using Item A2; (3) any discussions or comments related to the chapter in the Item A1 chart; (4) any additional input  (based on the attachments from Items C, D, or comments from the survey); and (5) ending with public comment. Finally, at the end of each chapter discussion, Chair Foster asked for consensus on the changes.

    Bryan Boyd used this process for edits 1 through 171 on Item A1: Master List of Discussion Items. Cliff Rudnick led discussions on Item A2: Master List of Line Edits (1874 edits) which were embedded in the 171 edits from Item A1. The Science SMC came to consensus on Item A1: Master List of Discussion Items 1 through 171 and also came to consensus on the 1874 edits from the A2: Master List of Line Edits.
    Commissioner Reese moved to approve the recommendations as noted on Item A1: Master List of Discussion Items from Edit #1 to Edit # 171 for editing the framework; direct the writer and staff to incorporate the approved recommendations and edits; and to bring a summary of today’s meeting to the IQC meeting on May 19–20, 2016. Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion or public comments. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (9–0).

  1. Public Comment on the Draft Science Framework
    There was no additional discussion or public comments.

    SMC Chair Foster adjourned the meeting at approximately 5:10 p.m.
Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 19, 2023
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