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May 18, 2017 IQC Final Meeting Minutes

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education



(Approved on September 27, 2017)

Report of Action
Thursday, May 18, 2017


Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
  • Lizette Diaz, Commission Chair
  • Bill Honig, Commission Vice Chair
  • Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
  • Soomin Chao
  • Jose Flores
  • Lori Freiermuth
  • Jose Iniguez
  • Risha Krishna
  • Brian Muller
  • Melanie Murphy-Corwin
  • Nicole Naditz
  • Dean Reese
  • Julie Tonkovich
  • Jennifer Woo
Commissioners Absent:
  • Rob Foster
  • Marlene Galvan
  • Assemblymember Kevin McCarty
Executive Director:
  • Stephanie Gregson
State Board of Education Liaisons Present:
  • Patricia Rucker
  • Trish Williams (arrived 12:30 p.m.)
  1. Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)
    1. Call to Order
      Commission Chair Diaz called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m.

    2. Salute to the Flag
      Commissioner Chao led the salute to the flag.

    3. Overview of Agenda
      Commission Chair Diaz announced that the agenda was revised and the Mathematics Subject Matter Committee would not be meeting today.

    4. Approval of Minutes (Action):
      : Commissioner Murphy-Corwin moved to approve the January 19–20, 2017 Commission meeting, March 27, 2017 History–Social Science teleconference meeting, and April 24, 2017 History–Social Science meeting minutes. Commissioner Naditz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (14–0). Commissioners Foster, Galvan, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

    5. Report of the Chair
      Commission Chair Diaz reported on recent curricular activities happening across the state that she had participated in: History–Social Science Framework rollout event in Los Angeles, 2017 History–Social Science instructional materials adoption reviewer training in Sacramento from April 24–28, and 2017 California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) conference – she co-presented English Language Development learning plan with Curriculum Framework and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff Alejandro Hernandez. She thanked the CFIRD staff for their support of these the activities. She encouraged the field to use the resources available online on the California Department of Education (CDE) website.

    6. Executive Director’s Report
      Executive Director Stephanie Gregson reported on the following:
      • The Draft Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan Public Comment is available. She encouraged all commissioners to read the plan and comment.:
      • 2020 Revision of the Mathematics Framework – The IQC will begin work on the framework next year when it secures funding in the budget.
      • 2017 IQC Budget – The January 2017, Governor’s budget had a postponement of the world language, visual and performing arts, and computer science standards and ethnics studies model curriculum project. The Governor’s May revise did not change these postponements. The Assembly wants to move forward with all of these projects and have included money to cover these projects. The two legislative bodies will discuss the budget for the IQC for the upcoming year. Both realize the criticalness of the IQC’s work and if not funded, the implication to the field.
      • 2016 Science Framework – The Framework editing process is continuing with a professional edited and formatted version of the Framework will be available at a later time.
      • 2019 Science Instructional Materials Adoption – In May the State Board of Education (SBE) approved the science adoption timeline and reviewer application. The reviewer application opened on April 21 and will close on July 21. The science instructional materials adoption reviewer training will take place April 16–20, 2018 and the deliberation will be July 16–20, 2018.
      • Update on CFIRD Staff – Joe Thompson has been promoted to Manager of the Administrative Support Unit.
      • U.S. News & World Report STEM Solutions Conference, May 24–26, in San Diego – Dr. Gregson will be speaking at the conference. There will be a panel discussion around the Science Framework.

    7. Report from the State Board of Education
      SBE liaison Patricia Rucker reported on the activities of the SBE.

    8. California School Dashboard
      Cindy Kazanis, Division Director, Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division, CDE, provided and overview on the California School Dashboard.

    9. Other Matters/Public Comment:
      Will Parish, Ten Strands

  2. Health Subject Matter Committee
    SMC Chair Woo called the Health Subject Matter Committee (SMC) meeting to order

    1. 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework.
      1. State Board of Education Action on March 9, 2017 (Information)
        At the March 9, 2017 meeting, the SBE appointed the 20 Health Education Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) members and approved the CFCC Guidelines for the 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, both as recommended by the IQC.

      2. Health Education Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) Meeting Update (Information)
        Chair Woo reported that she and Commissioner Honig attended the first Health Education CFCC meeting on May 4–5. The committee discussed the draft chapters covering grades seven and eight and grades nine through twelve, plus the initial draft of the introduction chapter.

        Chair Woo encouraged commissioners to attend a Health Education CFCC meeting. The following Commissioners are scheduled to attend the following meetings:
        • June 19–20, 2017: Commissioners Woo and Flores
        • August 10–11, 2017: Commissioners Flores and Chao
        • September 18–19, 2017: Commissioners Muller and Tonkovich
        • November 29–30, 2017: Commissioners Honig and Krishna
        • January 25–26, 2018: Commissioners Woo and Krishna

    1. Presentation on Sexual Abuse and Sex Trafficking Prevention Education (Information)
      Two of the Health Education framework writers, both from WEAVE, Jaime Gerigk, Director of Counseling and Outreach, and Brittany Bray, Training and Education Coordinator, gave a presentation on sexual abuse and sex trafficking prevention education.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

  3. Mathematics Subject Matter Committee – the committee did not meet

  4. Education Technology Committee
    Committee Chair Reese called the Education Technology Committee to order.

    1. 2018 Computer Science Standards for California Public Schools
      1. Report on the Computer Science Focus Group Meetings (Information)
        Committee Chair Reese and Commissioner Broemmelsiek reported on their experiences at the Focus Group meetings. Paula Evans, lead consultant for the computer science standards development project, gave a brief summary of the focus group report.

      2. Draft Guidelines for the Development of Computer Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Information/Action)
        :  Commissioner Chao moved to recommend to the full Commission the Guidelines for the Compute Science Standards Advisory Committee with the changes recommended by the committee and to forward the Guidelines to the SBE. Commissioner Broemmelsiek seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion.

        Public comment:
        Jacob Walker
        Krishna Makeshwari, Hindupedia

        The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (7–0). Commissioner Foster was absent from the meeting.

      3. Recommendation of Members of the Computer Science Standards Advisory Committee (CSSAC) to the State Board of Education (Information/Action).
        Committee Chair Reese led the discussion of the 70 applicants for the CSSAC. CFIRD staff recorded the Commissioners’ recommendations to ensure that at least one-half of the members were K–12 teachers who teach computer science, including mathematics and science teachers, and the remaining CSSAC members would meet the requirements in EC 60605.4, including school site principals; school district or county office of education administrators; university professors; representatives of private sector business or industry; and membership reflective of the various ethnic groups, types of school districts, and geographic regions of California. Twenty-one applicants were identified as meeting the requirements and providing a range of content expertise. Committee Chair Reese called for a motion from the committee.

        :  Commissioner Naditz moved to recommend to the full commission and forward to the SBE applicant numbers 337, 367,392, 399, 402, 343, 345, 362, 380, 384, 391, 364, 390, 403, 338, 353, 357, 371, 340, 361, and 398 to serve on the Computer Science Standards Advisory Committee for the development of Computer Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, and applicant numbers 361 and 398 to serve as co-chairs of the advisory committee. Commissioner Iniguez seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (7–0). Commissioner Foster was absent from the meeting.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

  5. History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee
    SMC Chair Honig called the History–Social Science SMC meeting to order.

    1. Update on the 2016 History–Social Science Framework for California Public Schools (Information)
      CFIRD administrator Kristen Cruz Allen provided an update on the editing and rollout of the new framework, including the discussions taking place with the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association and the California History–Social Science Project to add further rollout events to the calendar.

    2. 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption (Information)
      Ken McDonald of the CFIRD staff provided an update on the progress of the adoption, including the reviewer training event on April 24–28, 2017, and the upcoming deliberations events on July 24–28, 2017.

    3. Other Matters/Public Comment
      The following members of the public provided comment on the instructional materials adoption.
      1. Krishna Makeshwari, Hindupedia
      2. Bhaagan Pandotiya, Hindupedia
      3. Vivek Handebagh
      4. Kaushel Voishkey
      5. Shantharam Mekkar, Hindu Education Foundation
      6. Gmanashobitha Meduri, Hindu Education Foundation
      7. Prevana Joshi
      8. Bhakser Banjara
      9. Maha Krishna
      10. Suwarna Banjera
      11. Supriya Kandula
      12. Dakshata Talekar
      13. Prakesh Ranade
      14. Sharat Joshi, Hindu Education Foundation
      15. Venu Mallesara

  6. Full Commission Reconvenes
    1. Reports/Action from Subcommittees:
      Education Technology Committee
      1. Draft Guidelines for the Development of the Computer Science Standards (Action)
        : Education Technology Committee Chair Reese moved to approve the Guidelines for the Computer Science Standards Advisory with the changes recommended by the Committee and forward the guidelines to the SBE. Commission Broemmelsiek seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (12–0). Commissioners Honig and Muller were not present for the vote and Commissioners Foster, Galvan, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

        2.  Recommendation of Members to the Computer Science SAC to the State Board of Education (Action)
        :  Education Technology Committee Chair Reese move to recommend to the SBE applicant numbers 337, 367,392, 399, 402, 343, 345, 362, 380, 384, 391, 364, 390, 403, 338, 353, 357, 371, 340, 361, and 398 to serve on the Computer Science Standards Advisory Committee for the development of Computer Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve and applicant numbers 361 and 398 to serve as co-chairs. Commissioner Naditz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the commissioners present (13–0). Commissioner Honig was not present for the vote and Commissioners Foster, Galvan, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

    2. Individual Commissioner Reports: None

    3. Other Matters/Public Comment: None



Commission Chair Diaz adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:22 p.m.

Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 11, 2023
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