2013 Instructional Quality Commission Goals

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor
Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
Goals of the Instructional Quality Commission and Each of Its Committees
Executive Committee
- Ensure every member of the Commission follows the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act.
- Provide support for the development of curriculum frameworks in mathematics and English language arts/English language development, and support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
- Provide support for the 2014 Mathematics Primary Adoption of Instructional Materials.
- Ensure that the Commission’s organization reflects the advisory needs of the State Board of Education.
- Explore options in curriculum development and review of instructional materials.
Education Technology Committee
- Remain informed on issues that affect education technology as it relates to enhancing student achievement.
- Support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium through effective use of education technology.
English Language Art/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee
- Provide guidance and support for the 2014 revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework.
- Consult with other content Subject Matter Committees on the revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework, with focus on the shared responsibility of the reading and writing Literacy Standards in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.
- Support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects and the California English Language Development standards.
- Prepare the draft framework for presentation to the Instructional Quality Commission and for field review.
Health Subject Matter Committee
- Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in health education.
- Support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, the Next Generation Science Standards, and Education and the Environment Initiative.
History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee
- Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in history–social science, especially insofar as they could affect the future development of the History–Social Science Framework.
- Remain informed on resources to support history–social science teachers in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, and advise the English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee on the development of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework, particularly regarding the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects.
- Provide specific guidance in the implementation of the Common Core in both History–Social Science and English Language Arts.
- Become informed about and provide specific feedback in response to the proposed changes in California’s testing schedule and the potential impact that these proposed changes may have upon history–social science instruction.
- Provide leadership for the 2013 revision of the History–Social Science Framework.
- Consider and provide specific guidance regarding the proposed new College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards in light of existing history–social science standards and framework, as well as the Common Core State Standards.
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee
- After the first 60-day public review and comment period, make additional edits to the draft Mathematics Framework.
- Recommend to the State Board of Education the 2013 Revision of the Mathematics Framework, which will then be posted for a second 60-day public review and comment period.
- Conduct the 2014 Mathematics Instructional Materials Primary Adoption, including;
- Recommending Instructional Materials Reviewers and Content Review Experts to the State Board of Education.
- Facilitating the training for reviewers
- Facilitating review panel deliberations
- Finalizing recommendations for adoption to the full Instructional Quality Commission
- Assisting in presenting the recommendations to the State Board of Education
- Explore options for higher mathematics course sequencing and alternative pathways in Career Technical Education.
Physical Education Subject Matter Committee
- Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, and professional development in Physical Education.
Science Subject Matter Committee
- Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in science education, including the Next Generation Science Standards, the Common Core State Standards strand for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, and the Education and the Environment Initiative.
- Begin preparation for the new Science Framework timeline.
Visual and Performing Arts Subject Matter Committee
- Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in the visual and performing arts.
World Language Subject Matter Committee
- Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in world language education.
Ad Hoc Committee on Assessment and Accountability
- Support the implementation of the new standards-based assessments.
- When requested, advise the State Board of Education on assessment and accountability policy.
- Ensure that the new assessments are reflected in curriculum and instructional materials.
Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of the California Common Core State Standards
- Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials related to the Common Core State Standards.
- Become informed and provide feedback on issues on curriculum, assessment, including SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium, instruction, and accountability.
- Become informed and provide feedback on professional development, including the Common Core State Standards stand on Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technology, and Response to Instruction and Intervention (Rti2).
- Become informed and provide feedback on instructional materials, including supplemental materials for CCSS to prepare students for college and career readiness.
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
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