May 2020 IQC Meeting Minutes

State of California
Gavin Newsom, Governor
Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
Draft MINUTES OF MEETING: May 13, 2020
(Commission will consider for approval on August 13, 2020)
Preliminary Report of Action
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
- Jose Iniguez, Chair
- Yolanda Muñoz, Vice Chair
- Cristina Andre
- Mariana Astorga-Almanza
- Christine Chapman
- Deborah Costa Hernández
- Shay Fairchild
- Linsey Gotanda
- Lily Jarvis
- Melanie Murphy-Corwin
- Alma-Delia Renteria
- Manuel Rustin
- Julie Tonkovich
- Pamela Williamson
- Assemblymember Shirley Weber
- Senator Ben Allen
Commissioners Absent:
- David Phanthai
Executive Director:
- Shanine Coats
State Board of Education Liaison Present:
- Patricia Rucker
- Ilene Straus
Please note that the complete proceedings of the May 13, 2020, Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available on the IQC 2020 Public Meeting Notices, Agendas, Minutes, Webcasts web page.
- Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)
- Call to Order
IQC Chair Iniguez called the meeting to order at approximately 9 a.m.
- Salute to the Flag
Executive Director Coats led the salute to the flag.
- Overview of Agenda
IQC Chair Iniguez reviewed the agenda and public comment guidelines.
- Approval of Minutes for the April 17, 2020, Commission Meeting (Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Costa Hernández moved to approve the April 17, 2020, Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Muñoz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioner Phanthai was not present at the meeting.
- Report of the Chair
IQC Chair Iniguez gave a report.
- Executive Director’s Report
Executive Director Coats gave a report.
- Report for the State Board of Education (SBE)
SBE liaisons Patricia Rucker and Ilene Straus reported on the activities of SBE.
- Call to Order
- World Languages Subject Matter Committee (SMC)
- . 2021 World Languages Instructional Materials Adoption
- Content Standards Maps and Evaluation Criteria Map (Information/Action)
The IQC reviewed and discussed the evaluation criteria and content standards maps. World Languages SMC Chair Renteria led the discussion.
ACTION 1: Commissioner Gotanda moved to recommend to the full Commission the set of evaluation criteria and standards maps to be used in the 2021 World Languages Adoption. Commissioner Muñoz seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion and no public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioner Phanthai was absent from the meeting.
- Content Standards Maps and Evaluation Criteria Map (Information/Action)
- Public Comment: None
- . 2021 World Languages Instructional Materials Adoption
- Arts Subject Matter Committee
- 2021 Arts Instructional Materials Adoption
- Content Standards Maps and Evaluation Criteria Map (Information/Action)
The IQC reviewed and discussed the evaluation criteria and content standards maps. Arts SMC Chair Julie Tonkovich led the discussion.
ACTION 1: Commissioner Murphy-Corwin moved to recommend to the full Commission the set of evaluation criteria and standards maps to be used in the 2021 Arts Adoption. Commissioner Astorga-Almanza seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion and no public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioner Phanthai was absent from the meeting.
- Content Standards Maps and Evaluation Criteria Map (Information/Action)
- Public Comment: None
- 2021 Arts Instructional Materials Adoption
- Break
The Commission did not take a break.
- Full Commission Reconvenes
- Reports/Actions from Subcommittees
World Languages Subject Matter Committee
- Approve and Recommend to the SBE the Content Standards and Evaluation Criteria Maps for the World Languages Instructional Materials Adoption (Action)
ACTION: SMC Chair Renteria moved to recommend to the SBE the content standards and evaluation criteria maps for the World Languages Instructional Materials Adoption which were approved by the full IQC. Commissioner Jarvis seconded the motion. There was no public comment. There was no additional discussion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioner Phanthai was absent from the meeting.
Arts Subject Matter Committee
ACTION: SMC Chair Tonkovich moved to recommend to the SBE the content standards and evaluation criteria maps for the Arts Instructional Materials Adoption which were approved by the full IQC. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. There was no public comment. There was no additional discussion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioner Phanthai was absent from the meeting.
- Approve and Recommend to the SBE the Content Standards and Evaluation Criteria Maps for the World Languages Instructional Materials Adoption (Action)
- 2021 Revision of the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Mathematics Framework) (Information)
Staff presented the Commission with the updated Schedule of Significant Events for the Mathematics Framework that was approved by the SBE on May 7, 2020. Staff also surveyed the Commissioners for their participation in the revised Mathematics Curriculum Frameworks and Evaluation Criteria Committee meetings.
- General Public Comment
The following individuals provided public comment:
- Manuel Buenrostro, Californians Together
- Rachel Ruffalo, Education Trust West
- Manuel Buenrostro, Californians Together
- Commissioner Acknowledgements
This was the last meeting for Commissioner Murphy-Corwin, with her term on the Commission ending June 6, 2020. Commissioners acknowledged her work while on the Commission. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin also shared some parting words and reflected on her time on the Commission.
- Adjournment of Meeting
IQC Chair Iniguez adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:42 a.m.
- Reports/Actions from Subcommittees
Last Reviewed: Monday, August 28, 2023
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