Meeting Minutes August 15, 2012

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
Final Meeting Minutes:
August 15, 2012
(Approved on September 25, 2012)
Report of Action
August 15, 2012
3:30 to 5 p.m.
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee Chair Ed D’Souza called the meeting to order.
- Welcome and Introductions (Information)
Commissioners, CDE staff, and SBE staff present at the eleven conference call sites identified themselves.
The following Commissioners participated:
- Ed D’Souza at the Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Center for Education
- Julie Spykerman at Anaheim Union High School District
- Angel Barrett at Los Angeles Unified School District, who was joined by three members of the public: Marty Barrios, Lisa Usher-Stats, and Daniel Kim
- Jose Dorado at Osceola Street Elementary School
- Lori Freiermuth at Sweetwater Union High School District Central Office
- Jo Ann Isken at Lennox School District, who was joined by one member of the public: Monica Vallejo
- Socorro Shiels at Santa Rosa City Schools
- Bill Honig in Redwood City
- Carla Herrera at ABC Unified School District
The following CDE staff member was present at the Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Center for Education:
- Deborah Franklin
The following CDE staff members were present at the CDE, Sacramento:
- Tom Adams
- Kristen Cruz Allen
- Cynthia Gunderson
- Joyce Hinkson
- Jane Liang
- Jim Long
- Mary Sprague
- Dmitriy Voloshin
- Tracie Yee
The following member of the SBE and SBE staff member were present at the CDE, Sacramento:
- Patricia Rucker, SBE Member, Liaison to the IQC
- Jill Rice
In addition, Sue Stickel, Chair of the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee, was present at the CDE, Sacramento, and Chris Yakes, the writer on contract participated from California State University, Chico.
- Report on Preparations for September Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (MCFCC) Meeting (Information)
Dr. Chris Yakes was introduced to the MSMC and IQC members as one of the writers of the revised framework.
There was discussion regarding providing MSMC members’ comments to the MCFCC with the conclusion that no additional MSMC meeting was necessary at this time and members would submit their comments individually to CFIRD staff. Staff would be responsible for organizing the comments by topic and providing a copy of the comments to the MCFCC members at their meetings. MSMC members will also receive a copy of the comments, at the same time the comments are distributed to the MCFCC members. Comments for the draft sections to be discussed at the September MCFCC meeting would be due to CFIRD staff by August 29.
Following a discussion on sharing a draft of the framework once a full draft is done with some of the individuals who authored the standards to seek their advice (i.e., Jason Zimba, Phil Daro, Bill McCallum), SBE Member Patricia Rucker clarified that the intent of this review was that it not interfere with the timeline or the workload of the MCFCC, override the work of the MCFCC, and or have parity with the work of the MCFCC.
No actions were taken by the SMC.
- Resources for Implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (Information)
SMC Chair D’Souza pointed out that the resources listed in the agenda memorandum are posted on the CDE’s Web page and many of them are being utilized as resources for drafting the framework chapters.
No actions were taken by the SMC.
- Public Comment
Lisa Usher-Stats commented that she appreciated the attention to acceleration, differentiation, and long-term English learners in the guidelines and looked forward to seeing resources to support those topics. She also noted that she was pleased that many members of the MCFCC are teachers. She suggested that in the future meetings be scheduled around statewide events that might create scheduling conflicts for committee members.
MSMC Chair D’Souza encouraged Ms. Usher-Stats to send any resources to CFIRD staff.
Chair D’Souza adjourned the meeting.