Meeting Minutes July 20, 2012

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationFinal Meeting Minutes: July 20, 2012 Teleconference
(Approved on September 25, 2012)
Report of Action
July 20, 2012
10 to 11:30 a.m.
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Chair Ed D’Souza called the meeting to order.
- Welcome and Introductions (Information)
Commissioners, California Department of Education (CDE) staff, and State Board of Education (SBE) staff present at the seven sites participating in the conference call identified themselves.
The following Commissioners participated:
- Ed D’Souza at the Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Center for Education
- Jo Ann Isken at Lennox School District
- Bill Honig in Mill Valley
- Lori Freiermuth at Sweetwater Union High School District Central Office
- Jose Dorado at Osceola Street Elementary School
- Angel Barrett in Monterey Park
The following CDE staff member was present at the Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Center for Education:
- Kristen Cruz Allen
The following CDE staff members were present at the CDE, Sacramento:
- Tom Adams
- Tracie Yee
- Dmitriy Voloshin
- Karen Shores
- Deborah Franklin
- Cynthia Gunderson
- Jim Long
- Jane Liang
The following SBE staff member was present at the CDE, Sacramento:
- Beth Rice
In addition, Sue Stickel, Chair of the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (MCFCC), was present at the CDE, Sacramento
- Report on State Board of Education Actions on Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Recommendations on Guidelines for the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (MCFCC) and Appointments to the MCFCC (Information)
At Chair D’Souza’s request, Commission Chair Bill Honig and Tom Adams reported on the actions of the State Board of Education (SBE) on July 18, 2012. They reported that the SBE had voted unanimously to approve the guidelines as recommended by the IQC and to appoint the 19 IQC-recommended applicants to serve as members of the MCFCC. In addition, the SBE appointed Sue Stickel to serve as chair of the MCFCC.
No actions were taken by the SMC.
- Review Draft MCFCC Meeting Agendas/Work Plan (Information)
Tom Adams spoke about the role of the MCFCC, and Kristen Cruz Allen explained the work plan and framework outline (Attachments 2 and 3). Members of the Mathematics Subject Matter Committee (MSMC) and other interested Commissioners will receive copies of the materials sent to the MCFCC.
No actions were taken by the SMC
- Review September MCFCC Meeting Agenda (Information)
Chair D’Souza provided an overview of the proposed agenda for the first MCFCC meeting. SBE Member Patricia Rucker will be attending the first MCFCC meeting in September.
No actions were taken by the SMC.
- Discuss Role of IQC and Mathematics Subject Matter Committee Members (Information)
Tom Adams noted the major dates for the Mathematics Subject Matter Committee’s and Instructional Quality Commission’s actions on the draft framework and the timeline set forth in Title 5 regulations. Chair D’Souza called for MSMC members to sign up to attend MCFCC meetings.
No actions were taken by the SMC.
- Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Chair D’Souza adjourned the meeting.