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World Language Guidelines

Draft Guidelines for the Revision of the World Language Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.

World Language SMC
Item 2.A.2. Attachment 2
September 27–28, 2017



Draft Guidelines for the Revision of the World Language Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve

Per California Education Code, Section 60605.5, on or before January 31, 2019, the Superintendent, in consultation with the Instructional Quality Commission, shall present recommended revisions to the 2009 World Language Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (CA WL Standards) to the State Board of Education (SBE), and the SBE shall adopt, reject, or modify the recommended revisions on or before March 31, 2019.

The following guidelines are based on input received at focus group sessions and are intended to direct the work of the expert World Language Standards Advisory Committee, to be convened by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in consultation with the SBE. Based on focus group input, the revised CA WL Standards should:

  1. Provide guidance to teachers and administrators in implementing 21st Century world language education programs that promote linguistic, global, and intercultural competency and reflect the following goals:

    1. Deliver world language instruction primarily in the target language.

    2. Support multilingualism for California’s unique and diverse student population with access to world language programs, including dual immersion, via multiple entry points from kindergarten through grade 12.

    3. Build proficiency with authentic resources, including through multimedia, and regular opportunities for interaction in real-world contexts.

    4. Be concise and easy to navigate with updated scope and sequence, terminology, and proficiency levels.

  2. The revised structure should reflect the language and guiding principles of other significant documents, including

    1. the Five Goal areas (the 5 Cs) in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages (WRS);

    2. the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, Performance Descriptors for Language Learners, and Can-Do Statements; and

    3. the California English Language Development Standards.

  3. Include an introduction that

    1. provides an overview and rationale for the structure of the revised standards;

    2. recognizes the unique attributes and specific needs of California’s diverse students and describes implications for world language learning;

    3. acknowledges that different languages are taught and acquired differently; and

    4. links communicative proficiency and intercultural competence to college and career readiness and global citizenship.

  4. Include a section with specifics on how the CA WL Standards support dual immersion programs and discussion of the following:

    1. How to support students in

      1. building understanding of both the knowledge and skills and the cultures of the target language; and

      2. developing grade-level academic content area proficiency in the target language.

    2. Performance and assessment considerations of dual immersion learners (what students are able to do in at least two languages)

    3. Development considerations and other phenomena specific to dual immersion learners (e.g., developing English skills may take longer, what it means for a heritage language student to be in a language course in high school, etc.)

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Thursday, September 14, 2023
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