RDRSSP August 2024 Meeting Minutes
Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel (RDRSSP) August 2024 Meeting Final Minutes approved on September 20, 2024, meeting.Final Minutes of Meeting: August 23, 2024
Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel
(Panel approved on September 20, 2024)
Report of Action
Friday, August 23, 2024
Panelists Present:
- Young-Suk Kim, Chair
- Yesenia Guerrero, Vice Chair
- Dominic Grasso
- Carlin Graveline
- Martha Martinez
- Jessica Niessen
- Gisela O’Brien
- Timothy Odegard
- Tamara Wilson
Please note that the complete proceedings of the August 23, 2024, Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel (Panel or RDRSSP) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available on the RDRSSP web page.
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, CA 95814
- Call to Order
Chair Kim called the meeting to order at approximately 9 a.m.
- Salute to the Flag
Panelist O’Brien led the salute to the flag.
- Communications
- Announcements
- Special Presentations.
- Public notice is hereby given that special presentations for informational purposes may take place during this session.
- Public notice is hereby given that special presentations for informational purposes may take place during this session.
- Agenda Items
- Adjournment
Agenda Items
Item 01
Subject: Opening Remarks of Chair and Vice-Chair
Type of Action: Information
Chair Kim and Vice-Chair Guerrero did not provide opening remarks.
Action: No action was taken.
Item 02
Subject: Approve July Meeting Minutes
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the Panel approve the minutes of the July 26, 2024, RDRSSP meeting.
Action: Panelist Odegard moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.
Vice Chair Guerrero seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.
Item 03
Subject: Review of the Statute and Panel Process
Type of Action: Information
State Board of Education staff gave a presentation that provided the Panel an opportunity to learn the statute that governs the Panel and their processes.
Action: No action was taken.
Item 04
Subject: Review and Approve the Application Evaluation Protocol and the Basis for Application Approval
WestEd staff gave a presentation and led three study sessions on the evaluation protocol for approving applications that are submitted to the Panel.
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Panel approve the revised protocol diagram (as detailed below), make conforming changes to the protocol table, and authorize staff to make non-substantive and formatting changes, as necessary:
- Move the assignment of applications “by subgroup” to prior to the September meeting.
- Add language that reflects the terms, “Bare Minimum Requirements” and “Advanced Requirements,” in the October and November meetings respectively.
- Add a step in the October meeting, after applications are considered against the Bare Minimum Requirements: Subgroups exchange and review applications that are recommended to be removed from consideration.
- Extend timing for when a subgroup recommendation may be challenged to include both the October meeting and prior to the November meeting.
- Add a step at the start of the November meeting: Identify applications for reconsideration from those previously removed with evidence.
- Edit decision point in November meeting to read: Application meets Advanced Requirements and Holistic Review to be added to draft list of approved screening instruments.
- Add a step prior to the December Panel Meeting: If applicable, review previously removed applications.
- Add a decision point to the December Panel Meeting: Reconsideration of previously removed applications for Full Review:
- If it meets requirements, move to next step.
- If does not meet requirements, application is removed from further consideration.
- If it meets requirements, move to next step.
Recommendation: Approve the revised basis for approval, as described below. Authorize staff to make non-substantive and formatting changes, as necessary.
Changes to the revised basis for approval are:
Bare Minimum Requirements
- Must meet at least “Moderate Evidence”: Add “ for the overall sample and for relevant grades K–2 in all of the following Evidence Statements”:
- 2.d.i. Reliability
- 2.d.i. Content Validity
- Remove: (only for overall sample, not by subgroups)
- 2.d.ii. Criterion Validity**
- 2.d.iii. Criterion Validity**
- Remove: for overall sample
Advanced Requirements
- Must meet at least “Moderate Evidence” in all Evidence Statements except for:
- 3.e.ii (Resources available)
- Add: 3.e.iii (for only paper-based instruments)
- 3.f.i
- 3.f.ii
Action: Panelist Niessen moved to approve both of the CDE staff recommendations.
Panelist O’Brien seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.
Item 05
Subject: Discuss and Approve the Screener Information Overview Template
WestEd staff gave a presentation and led a discussion to discuss the screener information template.
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Panel approve the proposed Screener Information Overview Template, with the following changes:
- Add grade information for each skill under “Skills Measured”; ensure alignment of skills with statutory reference.
- Remove “Acquisition and” from p. 2; move the information under “Where to obtain the instrument” to p. 1 under “Contact Name(s) …”
- Add caveat and date to the document that the information is based on information provided by the publisher, is subject to change, and should be confirmed by potential purchasers.
- Add Bulk Pricing as an option under “Cost Information” on p. 2.
- Move “Accommodations” under “Recommended for use with the following student populations …” on p. 1.
- Remove “Progress monitoring, if applicable:” on p. 2.
- Add the ability to provide notes / comments as an option under “Other, please describe:”
- Move “Languages Available” on p. 2 under “Recommended for use with the following student populations …” on p. 1.
- On p. 2, remove sentence beginning with “If Other, extent to which …”
- On p. 2, under “Administration,” remove references to “items” and change “Computer-based” to “Digital.”
- Remove section “Task Types (select all that apply)” on pp. 2 and 3.
- Under “Required technology,” separate out “Computer” and “tablet” into separate check boxes.
- Move “Scoring time in minutes …” down to bottom of “Scoring” section.
- Remove sentence “Training manuals and materials …” and related check boxes.
- Add “screener” after “Time required for …” and “Type of training available for” under the “Training” section.
- Remove sentence beginning “Type of information …” from the top of p. 4.
- Remove sentence beginning “Guidance provided for next steps …” from the top of p. 4.
- Add “Types of resources available for educators, screener administrators, and families:”
- Remove “Additional integration resources.”
- Add “User interfaces and” to “Data management system.”
- Add “Information about establishing student language proficiency to administer screener:” under “Languages available:” on p. 2.
Action: Panelist Martinez moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.
Panelist Wilson seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.
Item 06
Subject: General Public Comment.
Public Comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Public comment will be limited to one minute.
Type of Action: Information
Adjournment of Meeting
Chair Kim adjourned the meeting at approximately 5:05 p.m.