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AAV of Attachment 4 Island Union Elementary

This page is the Accessible Alternative Version (AAV) of the Island Union Elementary Charter School Annual Report from the SBE February 2017 Information Memoranda. The scanned Island Union Elementary Charter School Annual Report (PDF) version is considered to be the official version of the document.

TO: State Board of Education

FROM: Kings County Office of Education Donna Rix, Director of Curriculum

DATE: December 14, 2016

RE: Information Memo for Island Union School District

  • Charter contact person - Charlotte Hines
  • Charter district CAASPP Data - District/County Comparison attached
  • Charter district response - District report on academic performance attached
  • LCAP has been completed and is available [Note: The preceding link is no longer active.]
  • Site visit was completed on October 21, 2016; the county office has no concerns.

Donna Rix, Director of Curriculum
Kings County Office of Education

Island Union School District
7799 - 21st Avenue, Lemoore, CA 93245
Phone 559-924-6424, Fax 559-924-0247

Island Union Elementary School District Charter
Kings County Office of Education Request for Information

To: Superintendent/Director of SBE Authorized Charter Schools with Charter School Authorization delineated to Kings County Office of Education

From: Charlotte Hines, Superintendent/Principal

Re: Island Union Elementary School Charter District annual report October 2016

  1. I have attached data from our 2015-16 CAASPP assessments comparing with how the county and state did. In each area and within each subgroup we scored a higher percentage of meeting or exceeding the standard than the county. Overall we also scored higher than the state in each ELA and Math.
  2. We selected our benchmark assessments for ELA and Math last year to have an assessment in November, then the same assessment again in April prior to the CAASPP testing. This gave us a look at a pre and post exam result with 48% meeting or exceeding the ELA benchmark and 44% meeting or exceeding the Math benchmark results. We saw growth overall in each grade level with a school increase in meeting or exceeding standards in ELA by 16% and in Math 15%. Overall we had a score of 53% meeting or exceeding in ELA the CAASPP results which is 5% more than our benchmark gave us, and 45% on Math which is 1% better than our benchmarks. Therefore we can use the benchmark results as a true reflection on how we would do on the CAASPP assessments. We found the benchmark assessments were challenging to use with the company, School City having many technical difficulties before, during and after the assessments were given. We have chosen to no longer use that company and move to using Illuminate to provide our district benchmark assessments. We will be using the exact same test for the pre and the post exam again. We looked at the EL results however we have such a small number for the entire school let alone by grade level that we cannot look at their scores as a subgroup. We have a total of 22 EL's, and 30 is the minimum. We are looking at individual needs and noting there is a gap therefore added additional professional development training for the teaching staff of maximizing the most in our designated ELD time frame daily. We are working toward not have long term EL's which has been consistent in our district, with 13 fifth - eighth graders as long term EL's in 2015-16. We additionally see a great need of support in Math in the upper grades. Therefore we began additional small group support in 5th – 8th grade and additionally have a slower paced on grade level group with the students with special needs or at-risk. We see a gap with our subgroups in ELA as well and have begun an intervention group utilizing Reading Eggs - online phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary building, comprehension and fluency building specific to the students' ability and progressing them through the lessons to build their reading fluency and expertise.
  3. We continue to support the professional development needs or our employees by providing training on what a Professional Learning Community (PLC) is and how to use the time in our PLC to meet the needs of the students using data and then planning instruction accordingly. We are working with KCOE and their academic coaches to assist us with this training, as well as how to integrate technology in our every day program so that our 1:1 devices can be used in the best way possible for all learners.
  4. We have purchased 1:1 devices, chrome books 4th_gth grades, and have iPads K-3rd grades. We maintain our computer lab with thirty 20" monitor desktop computers for any class to use. We have found the students highly engaged, and researching on a regular basis. The upper grade is using google classroom which allows the students to have immediate feedback when working on things. It also supports our growth toward remembering to "go green" and not need to print everything to learn.
  5. We will continue to offer electives to our 7th and 8tb grade, a six week, twice a week, course. The students will be given a choice of three different electives. This will support priority 7 within our LCAP as well as giving our students a well rounded education. Our k-8tb grade students will participate in Art class, learning art history as well as different mediums December through May.
  6. We continue to support hands on learning and learning curriculum by seeing and living the experience through video conferences and study trips. For example, we will have our 5th and 6th grade students go to West Hills College for an afternoon of Science learning - student teachers teaching them grade level standards based lessons while on the college campus, k-2 will be traveling to Selma High School to see their Agriculture Department and learn about plants as well as planning some and their animals and see them in action to learn their Science with living plants and animals, 4th grade will be traveling to Mission San Miguel in Paso Robles, California learning about the California Missions to name a few. Each grade level is attending a study trip this year.
  7. We promote community building by having students recycling plastic (4th grade monitors this) and all paper. Our Student Council has a recycling committee that picks paper recyclable products up twice a week and it is taken to the local recycling bin. The students additionally collect pop tabs for aluminum to help support the Ronald McDonald House. We have assisted Island School families each year at Thanksgiving with a food basket. We collect coats for kids in the winter, and this year additionally helped support Shaws Heating and Air Conditioning by collecting over 200 blankets. This helps promote positive character and community awareness. Yearly we have had a relay recess in which all students and families participate in to support Cancer research in getting a cure. We also collected funds for Endangered Species research and tracking with Cat Haven.

Island School CAASPP 2015 Test Results
Grade level Island (ELA) State (ELA) County (ELA) Island (Math) State (Math) County (Math)
3 63% 38% 39% 49% 40% 37%
4 47% 40% 38% 41% 35% 30%
5 41% 44% 42% 39% 30% 24%
6 54% 43% 41% 33% 33% 28%
7 64% 44% 42% 47% 34% 29%
8 53% 45% 45% 54% 33% 29%
Total 53% 42.5% 41% 45% 34% 29.5%

Grade level Island (ELA) State (ELA) County (ELA) Island (Math) State (Math) County (Math)
White 59% 63% 54.8% 52% 54% 45%
Hispanic 44% 34.3% 35.5% 36% 23.8% 25%
Socio. Ec. Dis. 35% 33% 32.3% 29% 23.8% 22%

CST Science
  2016 2015 2013 2012 2011 2010
5th 79% 76% 57% 62% 59% 58%
8th 88% 78% 56% 71% 84% 63%
Total ave. 84% 77% 56.5% 66.5% 71.5% 61%

Questions: State Board of Education | | 916-319-0827 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
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