This page is the Accessible Alternative Version (AAV) of the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School Annual Report from the SBE February 2017 Information Memoranda. The scanned Kingsburg Elementary Charter School Annual Report (PDF) version is considered to be the official version of the document.
January 13, 2017
California Department of Education
Charter School Division
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
Dear Sirs:
Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District has successfully produced a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Annual Update. Our site visit is scheduled for January 2017 with subsequent visits throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. There are no concerns to report at this time.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office directly, 559-265-3091.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Johnny Alvarado, Director
Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
cc: file
These scores reflect last spring’s benchmark test results for grades K- 2. Students in grades K-2 took the benchmark tests created by Key Data Systems and are housed in Illuminate. Overall, 79% of the students in grades K-2 scored standards met or exceeded on the final/spring ELA benchmark test. 78% of the students (overall) scored standards met or exceeded on the final/spring math benchmark test.
The gap between students in the white subgroup and ELs was minimal in math for grades K and 2.
Grade K: White : EL is 99% (white) compared to 95% (EL) scoring standards met or exceeded, with a difference of -4%.
Grade 2: White : EL is 90% (white) compared to 87% (EL) scoring standards met or exceeded, with a difference of -3%.
The largest gap was in the first grade math benchmark scores and second grade ELA scores. When comparing White students to English Learners, the following gaps exist: Grade 1, math: -33 and Grade 2, ELA – 30.
To provide more support for our EL students all sites are receiving ongoing training focused on the new ELA/ELD framework, including specific training on Designated ELD.
To address the gap in EL math achievement levels, Roosevelt teachers continue to receive staff development on implementation of SIOP strategies, with the focus on student engagement and interaction, as well as checking for understanding. Systems are in place to monitor and ensure individual students and data are the focus of all PLCs. Site administrators received training and conducted walk through observations, in the area of math, with consultants from our local county office of education. Math fluency and foundational skills have been the focus of recent academic leadership team meetings.
ELA/Grade K – Students scoring Standards Met or Standards Exceeded on the benchmark as of November 28, 2016:
- Overall-83%
- Hispanic-76%
- White-89%
- English Learner-68%
- Students with Disabilities-34%
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged-42%
- 2 or More Races-100%
Math/Grade K - Students scoring Standards Met or Standards Exceeded on the benchmark as of November 28, 2016:
- Overall-98%
- Hispanic-96%
- White-99%
- English Learner-93%
- Students with Disabilities-78%
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged-75%
- 2 or More Races-100%
ELA/Grade 1 – Students scoring Standards Met or Standards Exceeded on the benchmark as of November 28, 2016:
- Overall-72%
- Hispanic-70%
- White-77%
- English Learner-65%
- Students with Disabilities-50%
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged-73%
- 2 or More Races-100%
Students in grades 3-8 recently completed taking SBAC’s interim assessments. The interim assessments will serve as benchmarks for students in grades 3-8. The interim assessments will be given twice per year. The state’s CAASPP/SBAC test will be used as the third and final benchmark of the year.
The District has not yet received results from the interim assessments to report at this time.
Math/Grade 1 – Students scoring Standards Met or Standards Exceeded on the benchmark as of November 28, 2016:\
- Overall-68%
- Hispanic-62%
- White-84%
- English Learner-51%
- Students with Disabilities-45%
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged-61%
- 2 or More Races-100%
ELA/Grade 2 – Students scoring Standards Met or Standards Exceeded on the benchmark as of November 28, 2016:
- Overall-83%
- Hispanic-79%
- White-89%
- English Learner-59%
- Students with Disabilities-65%
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged-69%
- 2 or More Races-100%
Math/Grade 2 – Students scoring Standards Met or Standards Exceeded on the benchmark as of November 28, 2016:
- Overall-89%
- Hispanic-86%
- White-90%
- English Learner-87%
- Students with Disabilities-78%
- Socio-Economically Disadvantaged-87%
- 2 or More Races-100%