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AAV of Attachment 6 Kings River-Hardwick Union

This page is the Accessible Alternative Version (AAV) of the Kings River-Hardwick Union Elementary Charter School Annual Report from the SBE February 2017 Information Memoranda. The scanned Kings River-Hardwick Union Elementary Charter School Annual Report (PDF) version is considered to be the official version of the document.

TO: State Board of Education

FROM: Kings County Office of Education Donna Rix, Director of Curriculum

DATE: December 14, 2016

RE: Information Memo for Island Union School District

  • Charter contact person –Cathlene Anderson
  • Charter district CAASPP Data - District/County Comparison attached
  • Charter district response - District report on academic performance attached
  • LCAP has been completed and is available [] External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
  • Site visit was completed on December 13, 2016; the county office has no concerns.

Donna Rix, Director of Curriculum
Kings County Office of Education

2016 CAASPP RESULTS ELA All Students Math All Students ELA Low Income Students Math Low Income Students ELA English Learners Math English Learners
Kings River Harwick 77% (+21%) 62% (+9%) 66% (+29%) 45% (+8%) 55% (+44%) 36% (+17%)
Pioneer 56% 47% 45% 35% 16% 16%
Hanford Elementary 43% 29% 37% 24% 16% 12%
Kit Carson 35% 20% 31% 16% 5% 0%
Island 53% 45% 38% 32% 0% 0%
Kings County 42% 28% 34% 21% 12% 8%
California 49% 37% 35% 23% 13% 12%

Kings River-Hardwick Charter School District
Annual Report on Academic Performance

Charter District Response:
1.A CAASPP Performance

The Kings River-Hardwick Charter School District, upon review of our overall academic performance on the CAASPP, believes the district performed extremely well in comparison with comparable local districts in the county. (See data chart.) The data received from the second formal CAASPP administration has been used to reflect on performance levels and student growth for all students, including significant subgroups. Through analysis of these performance results, we have identified areas of focus for continued growth in academic achievement, including areas for continued professional development.

The district has established a solid academic foundation upon which we will continue to develop and enhance educational programs for our children. To meet the rigorous demands of the new state standards, the district has made significant investments in professional development and instructional resources to support the ongoing professional learning of instructional staff and provide learning opportunities for our children that will enable them to be successful in meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

1.B. Benchmark Assessments

The district is still in the process of designing and revising benchmark assessments in the areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics. These assessments are developed and revised with input and support from grade level instructional teams, county academic coaches, and district and site administrators working collaboratively. This year is the second year the Illuminate Assessment System has been in place in the district, allowing for streamlined data collection and data disaggregation that will support the goal setting process in future years as we strive to continually improve student achievement.

In addition to district benchmark assessments, this year we are also utilizing the CAASPP Interim Assessments. It is our expectation that the student performance data collected through the administration of the IAB's and ICA's will provide valuable feedback, enabling us to narrow our focus and further enhance our instructional program for the benefit of our children.

1.C. Overall Performance

The Kings River-Hardwick Charter School District is very proud of the rigorous academic program it provides for it's children. Over the past several years we have had the distinction of being one of the top performing districts in our county; and it is our charge to continue to be on the cutting edge of instructional practice, providing high quality educational opportunities for our children in an atmosphere that supports their social and emotional needs, allowing them to grow and develop as highly educated, well rounded individuals.

Our strong academic performance is supported by our commitment to on-going professional development in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Technology. Our partners in this endeavor, the Kings and Tulare County Offices of Education, are valuable resources, playing a vital role in our current success and strategic plan for ongoing success in the future. We are confident that with the district's current performance and strategic plan for supporting future growth and success, we will continue to effectuate increased student learning outcomes each year.

Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District
CAASPP/SBAC ELA and Math Test Results Spring 2016

Percentage of Standards Met & Standards Exceeded (Data from CAASPP Web site [])

ELA Kingsburg Clovis Fowler Sanger Selma County State
Grade 3 61 64 47 43 32 38 43
Grade 4 48 59 32 43 35 37 44
Grade 5 43 62 64 48 34 40 49
Grade 6 49 64 31 46 46 41 48
Grade 7 47 69 42 49 49 41 48
Grade 8 61 70 45 48 46 44 48

MATH Kingsburg Clovis Fowler Sanger Selma County State
Grade 3 58 70 44 50 30 42 46
Grade 4 33 56 25 37 20 32 38
Grade 5 26 46 29 30 12 25 33
Grade 6 39 55 29 33 21 30 35
Grade 7 41 55 21 41 21 29 36
Grade 8 53 55 30 45 17 29 36

The information above is a comparison of the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District’s most recent CAASPP test results (spring 2016) as compared to districts in the surrounding area. In most cases, the grade levels in the KECSD scored the same or higher than the other nearby districts listed in this chart. Although, the other districts include test results from the local high schools, it should be noted that the Kingsburg High School District test results for ELA and Math were slightly higher than those off its neighboring Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District, which would have resulted in higher test results if both districts were combined.

CAASPP/SBAC ELA and Math Test Results Spring 2016 - GAP Analysis
KESD District Gap Analysis ELA % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded Math % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded
Overall 51 41
Hispanic 44 34
White 62 52
Gap 18 11

KESD District Gap Analysis ELA % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded Math % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded
SED 42 33
Non-SED 68 57
Gap 26 24

KESD District Gap Analysis ELA % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded Math % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded
EO 54 45
EL 11 8
Gap 43 37

KESD District Gap Analysis ELA % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded Math % Standard Met/Standard Exceeded
Non-SWD 55 44
SWD 10 11
Gap 45 33

The chart above illustrates the percentages of students meeting or exceeding the standards in ELA and math. The Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District exceeded results as compared to the state and county averages, however, some definite gaps exist. Among its significant subgroups, the Hispanic group scored 21% lower in ELA than the white subgroup. The gap is closing in math as the Hispanic subgroup scored 18% lower than the white subgroup, compared to the previous year’s gap where the Hispanic group scored 30% lower than the white group. The gap is closing between our Socio Economically Disadvantaged students and non-SED, as SED students scored 26% less in ELA and 24% less in math as compared to the previous year’s gap of ELA/34% and math/27%. The English Learner subgroup scored significantly lower in both ELA and math resulting in a 45% gap for ELA and 33% gap for math.

Students with Disabilities also scored significantly lower than the non-SWD subgroup with a 45% gap in ELA and 33% gap in math. The Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District staff has been analyzing results of claim level reports from the CAASPP test, as well as other local assessments to identify specific needs of its individual students, to provide appropriate means of intervention and support to prepare all students for college and a future career. As we prepare for our third year of the CAASPP test, we continue to develop a better understanding of the new CA standards and the state’s expectation, and we are confident the achievement gap will decrease for our students in all subgroups.

CLAIM Level Report

Area Students (Overall) Scored Lowest (KECSD results are similar to those of the state and county in the area of ELA and math claims.)


ELA Claim: Reading Demonstrating understanding of literary and non-fictional texts

Reading Greatest Area of Need - % students NOT meeting or exceeding the ELA Claim in the area of Reading

MATH Claim: Concepts and Procedures Applying mathematical concepts and procedures

Math Greatest Area of Need - % students NOT meeting or exceeding the Math Claim in the area of Concepts and Procedures

White 20 27
Hispanic 32 42
English Only 24 32
English Learner 61 74
Reclassified English Learner 18 27
Socio Economically Disadvantaged 34 44
Two or More Races 16 28
Students with Disabilities 61 74

After careful analysis of claim level results, as well as other multiple measures, the KECSD will continue to focus on guided reading strategies for teachers servicing students in grades TK-3 and close reading strategies for teachers servicing students in grades 4 – 8.

Professional development in the area of the math claim “Concepts and Procedures” has been added to this year’s district calendar and will be a focus for next year’s training, as well. The KECSD is requesting the services of the local county office of education to provide additional support.

Benchmark Tests – This year we are using the online interim assessments developed by SBAC for grades 3-8. Currently, we are still in the process of handscoring the performance tasks. Once those are complete, they will be uploaded into the digital library for completion of scoring by SBAC.

Questions: State Board of Education | | 916-319-0827 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
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