SBE President Statement to Parent Empowerment

1430 N Street, Suite 5111Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-319-0827
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For Immediate Release
March 9, 2011
Regina Wilson
State Board of Education President Makes Statement Relating to Parent Empowerment Regulations
Sacramento -- State Board of Education President Michael Kirst issued the following statement regarding the parent empowerment regulation process:
"I announced earlier that the SBE has scheduled to convene an additional meeting, scheduled for April 21, to consider permanent regulations to implement the Parent Empowerment law. We now have more information about the issues based upon 2011 developlments in Compton. The process for considering permanent regulations will utilize the regulatory process and draft regulations begun in 2010, public comments concerning prior and future draft regulations, and additional meeting of the stakeholders group, and other relevant information."
"The board has already taken action to expedite the rule-making process by convening a stakeholder meeting in February for stakeholders to give feedback on the permanent regulations. I have asked that another stakeholder input meeting be held before April 21."
"Once permanent regulations are approved, they will be made available for a required 15-day public comment period.
The SBE is not pursuing any changes in the existing law at this time."