SBE News Release for May 11, 2016

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For Immediate Release
May 11, 2016
Julie White, Director of Communications
Multiple Measures and Continuous Improvement Define New Accountability System
A set of indicators that form the foundation for California’s new multiple measures school accountability system was approved by the California State Board of Education today. This first set of indicators aligns with priorities identified by the Governor and Legislature in California’s new school funding and accountability law. Additional indicators reflective of the state’s educational priorities will be considered by the Board at its July meeting so all of the state’s priorities are addressed.
The indicators approved thus far are student test scores and individual student growth on English and math tests (and science tests when available); progress of English learners toward English proficiency; graduation rates; and measures of student engagement including suspension rates (and chronic absence when available). The board directed staff to provide an update in July about how to include comparable data on college and career readiness, school climate, and a composite measure of English learner proficiency in the new accountability system. The board will continue its work through the summer and early fall in order to meet the statutory October 1, 2016 deadline for the new accountability system.
The board’s goal is to establish an accountability system that provides the public a comprehensive picture of school performance and aligns local, state and federal accountability requirements. The new system will highlight areas of strengths and weakness in a top level summary data display so educators can respond quickly to areas that need attention. The new system also will lead to support and intervention for schools and districts that fail to improve outcomes overall as well as outcomes for specific student subgroups.
"The shift to a multiple measures accountability system focused on equity and continuous improvement reflects the policy direction set by the Governor and Legislature," said Michael Kirst, president of the California State Board of Education.
In addition to approving the set of indicators, the board approved a method for calculating performance as a combination of outcome and improvement, allowing performance to be differentiated at the school, district and county office of education levels as well as for subgroups of students.
"The underlying goals of California’s new system are to elevate low-achieving students to be ready for college and career success and to narrow the achievement gap. It’s important that all of the selected indicators allow for the differentiation of progress so support and intervention are appropriately focused on improving outcomes for all students," added Kirst.
The next meeting of the board is scheduled for July 13-14. Information about the Board’s accountability work can be found on the board’s website [] or by contacting Julie White, Communications Director for the California State Board of Education at