LCFF Regional Input Sessions Rubrics Development
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Regional Input Sessions for the Evaluation Rubrics Development Process.Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Regional Input Sessions
for the Evaluation Rubrics Development Process
On behalf of the State Board of Education (SBE), WestEd has announced the March/April 2015 LCFF Evaluation Rubrics Input Sessions, and has also posted summaries of the January/February 2015 Public and Policy Working Group input sessions on the Evaluation Rubrics Conceptual Example.
The purpose of the regionally-based input sessions is to provide district, county, charter, and school leaders; teachers; students; parents; and community members, with an opportunity to offer local feedback to the evaluation rubrics development process. These sessions will be focused on gathering feedback on a draft version of the evaluation rubrics related to the new state Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
The evaluation rubrics are an integral part of the LCFF performance and accountability system. Once developed, the rubrics will serve as tools to ensure LEAs are able to align resources to implement strategies that result in meaningful student outcomes. The rubrics will also direct attention to areas in need of additional support to meet standards for school district and individual school site performance and expectation for improvement in regard to each of the state priorities.
To review the input session schedule and locations, please visit the WestEd Announcements Web page []
In addition to the in-person sessions listed below, a facilitated online dialogue will open for comment from March 27-30, 2015. To participate in the online dialogue session, please register on the WestEd's Evaluation Rubric Input Session WebDialogue []
Comments and suggestions may also be shared at the Evaluation Rubric Public Input/Feedback Web page []
For more information, please visit the WestEd LCFF Web page []
, or contact Michelle Magyar at the California State Board of Education, at or 916-319-0692.