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Prop. 51: CTE School Facilities Program Summary

Information about Proposition 51, Career Technical Education School Facilities Progam.


Proposition 51 was placed on the November 2016 ballot, to supply grants to eligible schools for the purpose of improving and expanding their Career Technical Education (CTE) programs. Proposition 51 was passed by California voters and $500,000,000 became available for this purpose. Specifically, the measure allows for eligible schools to apply for new construction funding, remodeling and reconfiguration funding and/or funding for CTE equipment. The Career Technical Education Leadership Office (CTELO), provided the leadership in coordinating the State’s efforts to create a clear and organized system for the CTE application process to take place. The program calls for a significant planning effort to be made by the school to address all the necessary components for the application.


Proposition 51 requires the CTELO staff at the California Department of Education (CDE) to work with the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC), the State Allocation Board (SAB), the Implementation Committee of SAB, the Governor’s Office, and the School Facilities and Transportation Division to agree to terms on the process for application, scoring, selection, and awarding of the grants. The role the CTE staff will play is a major part of the awarding of the funds, as it is the responsibility of CTE Sector-Lead-Consultants to find the most worthwhile and deserving applications from more than 320 submissions.


Applications will be scored and the highest scored schools will be entered into a complex formula for funding by the OPSC. Schools will have the potential of obtaining up to $3,000,000 for new CTE construction, $1,500,000 for remodeling existing CTE facilities, and/or purchasing CTE equipment. California’s business and industry community will also benefit, as more students will be prepared to enter the workforce through an increase and improvement in CTE programs throughout the State. 


Proposition 51 allocates another $500,000,000 for CTE purposes, with the first two rounds allocating $420,000,000. The third round allocated $80,000,000 in early 2010. The forth round allocates $125 million of the $500,000 million with final rounds to be determined. The CTELO coordinates this complex program in conjunction with several other State agencies. Proposition 51 contained no funding for CDE staff; however, the Career and College Transition Division covers the cost of CTE staff time to administer the program through the federal Carl D. Perkins grant.

Students Served

Upon successful completion of the grant application process, and the funding of successful schools, the impact throughout the State can be several hundred thousand students obtaining improved CTE skills to enter the workforce, postsecondary education programs, or both.

Contact Information

Proposition 51 CTE Facilities Program is administered by:

Career Technical Education Leadership Office
Career and College Transition Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4202
Sacramento, CA 95814

Questions:   Career Technical Education Leadership Office | 916-322-5050
Last Reviewed: Thursday, July 18, 2024