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Early Commitment to College

The Early Commitment to College Program aims to improve college readiness among low income students.

Program Description

The Early Commitment to College Program is a voluntary program that was created by SB 890 on September 28, 2008. The California Department of Education (CDE) has designed a process and procedures for implementing Early Commitment with the California Education Round Table Intersegmental Coordinating Committee (ICC) External link opens in new window or tab. . The purpose of Early Commitment is to improve college readiness and college enrollment rates among low income students and among students attending schools with the greatest poverty.

Early Commitment to College has the following major provisions:

  • The core element of the program is the “Save Me a Spot in College” pledge, to be signed by students and their parents or guardians, outlining their agreement to take the steps to finish high school and prepare for college.
  • Participants would gain access to the University of California system or the California State University system, if they meet the eligibility requirements and apply. They also would be guaranteed the opportunity to attend a California Community College.
  • It is inclusive of career technical and college preparatory classes in middle school and high school, and of career technical and degree programs in college.
  • Eligible participants, upon enrollment at a community college, would receive a fee waiver under the fee waiver program of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.

By signing the “Save Me a Spot in College” Pledge, students and their parents or guardians would agree to:

  • Meet all graduation requirements to finish high school in California
  • Complete rigorous courses, which may include a-g and career technical courses
  • Complete a FAFSA and apply for financial aid by March 2 of their senior year
  • Meet application and other requirements for university admissions or enroll directly in community college after high school graduation

Early Commitment to College Program
Report to the Legislator (PDF).

For additional information, please visit the Campaign for College Opportunity External link opens in new window or tab..

Questions: Allegra Alessandri | | 916-319-0669 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
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