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UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Grant FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) Mixed Delivery Planning Grant.

General FAQs

  1. The Budget Summary specifies Object Code 4700 for food. We generally reserve this for food for Students/Child Nutrition. We code food under 43xx per the California School Accounting Manual (CSAM). Would it be appropriate to change this object code on the budget summary and narrative documents?
    • Please indicate the charges related to food however you need to in your system (4300/5800) but include the food charges under Object Code 4700 for the purposes of the UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Grant Budget Summary and Narrative submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE). This is for CDE’s tracking purposes. The UPK Mixed Delivery Team can provide documentation to support this request if needed. Some counties are choosing to include the backup from their internal accounting system with their report to CDE for audit purposes. Please do not alter the budget documents provided by the CDE.
  2. Stipends are not typically included under Personnel. Can we put them in another Object Code?
    • Similar to the answer above for food, please indicate the charges related to stipends however you need to in your system but include the stipends charges under Object Codes 1000/2000 (Personnel) for the purposes of the UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Grant Budget Summary and Narrative submitted to the CDE. This is for CDE’s tracking purposes. The UPK Mixed Delivery Team can provide documentation to support this request if needed. Some counties are choosing to include the backup from their internal accounting system with their report to CDE for audit purposes. Please do not alter the budget documents provided by the CDE.
  3. The Request for Data (RFD) refers to partnerships with Tribes. If our county does not have Tribal communities or is not engaged in this work, how should we address this question?
    • As a reminder, a Tribal representative is a required Local Workgroup member per statute. Grantees are encouraged to reach out to Tribes in surrounding counties. If you are experiencing challenges, please write to what you are doing to recruit a Tribal representative or how you plan to address this issue.
    • This may be an ongoing mission for your county, as this may be easier in some counties than others. On the slide below are many ways to reach out to Tribal Nations. Staff salaries are an allowable expense for this grant and likely a large part of each county's budget. It may take staff several attempts and various strategies before a solid connection is made. Staff time spent on outreach with Tribes is an allowable expense. 
  4. Do Tribes need to be federally-recognized?
    • No, the Tribal representative(s) does not need to be from a federally-recognized Tribe.

Round 1

  1. Is food an allowable cost in Round 1?
    • In Round 1, food is an allowable cost ONLY for the Local Workgroup meetings held during normal dinner hours, encompassing the entities listed in statute. These may be meals and must adhere to the following parameters:
      • The cost must be necessary, reasonable, and justifiable.
      • The cost must be preapproved by the CDE during an RFD Budget submission or during a budget revision window.
      • The purpose behind it is to incentivize the entities listed in statute to attend local workgroup meetings.

Round 2

  1. Can Round 2 funds be used to provide food for outreach or enrollment activities (outside of Local Workgroup Meetings)?
    • Yes, Round 2 funding can be used to provide food for outreach and enrollment outside of Local Workgroup Meetings. In consultation with the CDE Legal Division, the parameters for food outlined below and all stipulations must be met:
    • The cost for the food must be “de minimus”, meaning it is the lowest cost necessary.
    • The cost must be necessary, reasonable, and justifiable.
    • The cost must be preapproved by the CDE during a RFD budget submission or during a budget revision window.
    • It is limited to snacks and drinks rather than meals.
    • The purpose behind it is to incentivize families to come to enrollment fairs or stop by booths (not to feed them while enrolling).
      • Some examples include: water bottles, small juices, chocolates, apple sauce pouches, and so forth.
  2. Can Round 2 funds be used to rent space for booths or stalls at enrollment fairs or events?
    • Yes, please include a description of the event in your Budget Narrative.
  3. Where on the Budget Narrative and Summary should the cost for the booths be listed?
    • Rental space and booth rentals should be listed under Object Code 5000 for this grant.
  4. Can we use these funds for enrollment fairs?
    • Yes, however, you must follow the guidelines set forth in statute:
      • f(4) Provide outreach services and enrollment support for families of three- or four-year-old children, to meet family needs and provide those children with high-quality full- and part-day learning experiences. Please note that high-quality in statute refers to California Education Code 8203 and is generally referred to as being regulated by Title 5.
      • Please note the complementary part of statute stating that the outreach and enrollment must be conducted in collaboration with your county’s UPK Planning and Implementation Grant grantee: f(5) Partner to plan for, align and coordinate the plans, and conduct the activities described in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, with all local educational agencies in the county or region that received funding pursuant to the California Prekindergarten Planning and Implementation Grant Program.
Questions:   Early Education Division | | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Monday, September 9, 2024
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