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CAPAAR Instructions for Business-Community Match

The Business-Community match for the California Partnership Academies Annual Report (CAPAAR) is an estimate of the value of extra resources, direct and in-kind, that business partners and private sector organizations provided for the academy.

What is a Business-Community Match?

The Business-Community match is an estimate of the value of 'extra' resources, direct and in-kind, that business partners and private sector organizations provided for the academy during the previous school year. These estimates should be reasonable approximations for their time. We ask that you value business-community participation at $75.00 per hour.

Common allowable Business-Community match expenses:

  • Time spent attending advisory committee meetings
  • Time spent providing speakers for academy students/classes
  • Time spent organizing and/or leading field trips/job shadowing opportunities
  • Time spent serving as mentors and/or tutors
  • Time spent arranging internships for students and/or teachers
  • Time spent supervising students on the job or during community service activities
  • Expenses related to providing facilities, equipment, supplies, transportation, reproduction, meals
  • Expenses related to promotional activities
  • Expenses related to curriculum input or materials 
  • Expenses related to student scholarships and/or teacher externships 

In general, we accept all Business-Community matches as long as they have plenty of detail in the explanation section. We also want to be sure that the matches are intended for academy students only.

CAPAAR Reporting Section 11 Business-Community Match

The Business-Community Match within the CAPAAR system is found in Section 11; please consider the following when completing that section:

  • The calculations on this page will not be accurate until all the data entry is completed. All fields are required; otherwise you may get an incomplete message on the Reporting Menu.
  • Enter numeric/dollar totals for each question in the black box below each question.
  • If a question does not apply, enter 0 (zero) rather than leaving the black box blank or entering N/A. Please enter N/A in the explanation box when 0 is entered.
  • Do not add number of students into provided formulas.

Section 11 Example:

  1. What is the cost estimate of your academy’s Advisory Committee meetings?
    Formula: (estimated hourly cost per member x number of members x hours per meeting x number of meetings.)
    Amount: (numeric response only)
    Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of formula above. Be sure the number entered aligns with the number of business-community members listed in Section 5 – Advisory Committee Members.)
  2. What is the cost estimate of your academy’s classroom speakers?
    Formula: (estimated hourly cost per speaker x number of speakers x avg. hours per speaker.) Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of the formula provided with speaker detail such as name of speaker and organization represented.)
  3. What is the cost estimate of academy activities involving business (e.g. job shadowing)? Formula: (estimated hourly cost per business representative x hours.) Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of the formula provided with detail such as activity and name of organization.)
  4. What is the cost estimate of academy activities involving mentors? Formula: (estimated hourly cost per mentors x hours involved in mentoring.) Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of the formula provided with mentor detail such as name of mentor and organization represented.)
  5. What is the cost estimate of academy field trips/study tour/work site visitations? Formula: (estimated hourly cost per host/tour guide x hours involved.) Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of the formula provided with field trip detail such as name of destination.)
  6. What is the cost estimate of academy internships? Formula: (estimated hourly cost per internship supervisor/trainer x hours involved in internship.) Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of the formula provided with internship detail such as name of supervisor/trainer and organization represented.)
  7. What is the cost estimate of other business partner activities such as teacher externships, community service supervision etc.? Formula: (estimated hourly cost per business partner activity.) Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of the formula provided with other activities detail such as name of activity and providing organization.)
  8. What is the value of other activities/business contributions not mentioned above? Briefly describe activities/business contributions and any computations below: Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of other activities/business contributions not mentioned with detail such as the name of the activities and/or contribution and providing organization.)
  9. What is the value or other donations (equipment, materials etc.) not mentioned above? Briefly describe activities/business contributions and any computations below: Amount: (numeric response only) Computation Explanation: (Show calculation of other activities/business contributions not mentioned with detail such as the name of the activities and/or contribution and providing organization.)
  10. Calculated Total Match
    (This is an automated field based on the numerical dollar amounts that have been input for each of the questions. We expect that business partners, at a minimum, match the amount paid out by the State CPA grant).

Should you have additional questions regarding how to complete this section of the District-Match feel free to contact the CPA team by emailing

Questions:   High School Innovations & Initiatives Office |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 01, 2024
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