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CAPAAR Instructions for School-District Match

The CA Partnership Academies Annual Report (CAPAAR) school-district match is an estimate of the value of 'extra' resources, direct and in-kind, the district provided for the academy during the previous school year.

What is a School-District Match?

The school-district match is an estimate of the value of "extra" resources, direct and in-kind, the district provided for the academy during the previous school year. Be sure to estimate only those which are allowable and constitute supplementing and are not supplanting. Items can only be claimed if they are paid from district funds and provided to specifically support the academy.

Common allowable district match expenses:

  • Any part of another grant applied to the program (Perkins, CTEIG, Agriculture Incentive Grant, K–12 Strong Workforce, etc.)
  • Smaller class sizes for academy students
  • Academy teacher salaries above the normal full time equivalent (FTE) for extra preparation release time (stipend)
  • An extra academy prep period for the project coordinator to coordinate and oversee the critical academy components
  • Instructional/clerical assistants, administrators/counselors time which exceed the normal responsibilities, outside normal work hours and is focused specifically on the academy
  • Counselor assignment for supplemental CPA‑only activities or smaller counselor-to-student ratio than other counselors in the school
  • Substitutes to support program activities such as program planning and team building
  • Staff development/in-services, curriculum development time, workshops devoted specifically to the academy
  • Equipment purchased specifically and solely for the academy and with a career focus
  • Supplemental curricular materials, classroom supplies beyond those provided for all staff and students
  • Transportation for field trips, to postsecondary classes, to internships, and job shadowing locations. Transportation for CPA students is an excellent example of a district match

Common non-allowable district match expenses (what is normally provided by the school and district):

  • Anything that is provided for or used for the entire staff/students of the school (Non supplemental textbooks, school wide professional development, custodial services)
  • Facility costs
  • Contract-negotiated certificated teacher salaries

CAPAAR Reporting Section 10 School-District Match

The District Match within the CAPAAR system is found in Section 10; please consider the following when completing that section:

  • The calculations on the page will not be accurate until all the data entry is completed
    Use the exact formulas when provided
  • Enter numeric/dollar totals for each question in the black box below each question
  • If a question does not apply, enter 0 (zero) rather than leaving the black box blank or entering n/a
  • Please enter n/a in the explanation box when 0 is entered
  • The white cells are automatically calculated based upon the other answers given
  • Required entries are indicated by an asterisk (*)
  • Only academies funded by Green Technology Partnership Academies (formerly SBX1 1) will be reporting grades 9–12

Section 10 Example:

  1. Average non-academy class size:
    (Average non-academy class size in grades 10–12)**
  2. Average academy class size:
    (Include classes that are designated for academy students only in grades
    10–12** - do not include non-pure classes in this calculation. This should match up with the student rosters provided)
  3. Average annual school district teacher cost per teaching period:
    (Check with the district personnel or fiscal department for this figure. Or use this formula: annual salary divided by the number of class periods)
  4. Academy periods
    (Enter the total number of academy periods in grades 10–12.** Academy periods should reflect the total number of academy courses described in Section 6: Courses and Curriculum, unless there are two full cohorts. Count only academy periods that are made up of 100 percent academy students. One fully implemented academy cohort typically has at a minimum of 4 periods in grades 10–11 and 2 periods in grade 12 equal a total of ten academy periods. For example, three academic, one CTE course in grades 10–11, and one academic one CTE course in grade 12. Extra academic courses listed are fine, but must tie into the overall career theme)
  5. Extra Preparation Periods:
    Number of extra preparation periods funded by district and allocated to academy coordinator.
  6. Calculated Cost for Reduced Academy Class Size.
    (This gets automatically calculated based on A - D responses)
  7. Instructional Assistants/Clerical Support Cost.
    Explanation: (Briefly describe academy related tasks/responsibilities, estimated time spent, and calculation used to determine the dollar amount.
  8. Verifiable Administrators/Counselors Time Working Cost.
    Explanation: (Briefly describe academy-related tasks/responsibilities that are performed in ways that go beyond normal duties/responsibilities; estimate the time spent and calculation used to determine the dollar amount. This should not be determined or described as a percentage of an individual’s work day/ year)
  9. Cost for Staff Development.
    Explanation: (Briefly describe in-services or other staff development activities focused on specifically the academy program that were attended by academy staff, and estimate the amount paid by the district. Include cost of academy staff only)
  10. Cost of Other Forms of School Site or District Support.
    Explanation: (Describe in detail any match items that do not fit in the categories above and estimate the amount paid for by the district)
  11. Calculated Total Match
    (This is an automated field based on the numerical dollar amounts that have been input for each of the questions. We expect that school districts, at a minimum, match the amount paid out by the State CPA grant).

** Green Technology Partnership Academies (formerly SBX1 1) will be reporting grades 9–12

Should you have additional questions regarding how to complete this section of the District-Match feel free to contact the CDE CPA team by email at

Questions:   High School Innovations & Initiatives Office | |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 01, 2024
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