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California Department of Education
Official Letter
California Department of Education
Official Letter
January 19, 2024

Dear Publishers and Content Developers:


At its January 18, 2024, meeting, the State Board of Education (SBE) approved agenda items to initiate a 2025 adoption process for mathematics instructional materials. This adoption process will include a review of basic programs kindergarten through grade eight, Algebra I, and Integrated Mathematics I, and it begins following the SBE's July 2023 adoption of a new Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Mathematics Framework). The Mathematics Framework includes the evaluation criteria for the 2025 instructional materials adoption.

The SBE-approved agenda items include a formal Notice of Intent to Hold an Adoption, a Schedule of Significant Events, an instructional materials reviewer application, the evaluation criteria map, and grade-level standards maps. The notice and schedule are now available online at the links above and via the California Department of Education (CDE) mathematics adoption web page. The CDE will post the reviewer application at the opening of the application period, scheduled for April through September 2024. The evaluation criteria map and grade-level standards maps are available upon request. Note that the CDE will offer training to publishers and content developers on the use of the maps in January 2025.

The CDE web page for the mathematics adoption includes all the information publishers and content developers need to plan their participation and develop instructional material programs for submission that meet the SBE-adopted evaluation criteria. The web page includes links to the Mathematics Framework and instructional materials adoption evaluation criteria, the grade-level content standards, the Notice of Intent to Hold an Adoption, the Schedule of Significant Events, frequently asked questions, and three PowerPoint presentations on the Mathematics Framework and instructional materials adoption participation process. Additionally, the CDE will post future publisher bulletins and, as needed, will continue to update the frequently asked questions.

If you have any questions about this information, please contact the CDE at the following email address:


Dr. Mike Torres, Director
Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division


Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 18, 2024

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