Educator Equity: LCAP Addendum Criteria & Guidance
Criteria, guidance, and resources for local educational agencies (LEAs) to meet the provisions of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum Title I, Part A—Educator Equity section.Instructions
The following provision of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) must be addressed with a narrative response within the LCAP Federal Addendum. Guidance and resources are provided below to support LEAs in developing complete, thoughtful responses. There is no standard length for responses. Addendum reviewers will evaluate whether the LEA met the provision requirements. LEAs are encouraged to review the Educator Equity: LCAP Addendum Reviewer Criteria to evaluate their responses before they submit their addendum.
Educator Equity
LCAP Federal Addendum Provision
ESSA Section 1112(b)(2)
: Describe how the LEA will identify and address any disparities that result in low-income and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers.
To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:
- The LEA's process for identifying disparities that result in low-income and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers; and
- How the LEA will address any disparities found during the identification process.
Note: LEAs can choose to address disparities around educators teaching with Provisional Internship Permits (PIPs), Short-Term Staff Permits (STSPs), as well as educators teaching with waivers, in addition to their ineffective/misassigned, inexperienced and out-of-field teacher distributions.
Complete responses for this provision of the LCAP Federal Addendum will address the following in narrative form:
- Describe the LEA’s process for identifying disparities that result in low-income and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective/misassigned, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers.
- Describe the distribution of ineffective/misassigned, inexperienced, and out-of-field teachers working with low-income students.
- Describe the distribution of ineffective/misassigned, inexperienced, and out-of-field teachers working with minority students.
- Describe how the LEA engaged stakeholders in its process for identifying strategies for addressing disparities that result in low-income and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers.
- Describe the actions the LEA will take to address any disparities discovered during the equity data analysis process (including actions/services included in its LCAP for Priority 1—Basic Services).
LEAs will need to conduct a local equity gap analysis to be able to appropriately describe the local process for identifying and addressing disparities. The local gap analysis process should include the following steps:
Step One—Data Collection Definitions and Instructions
Resources include definitions from the California’s ESSA state plan and instructions on how to obtain the data. Districts may have alternative ways to collect equity data. These resources are provided as tools and are not required for submission in the LCAP Federal Addendum.
Step Two—Equity Data Analysis Tools
Resources include sample data tables for LEAs to analyze their equity data. These resources are provided as tools and are not required for submission in the LCAP Federal Addendum.
Step Three—Equitable Access Root Cause Analysis
This resource provides instructions and tools for conducting a root cause analysis to identify equitable access disparities. LEAs may consult the equitable access strategies resource below at this stage.
Step Four—Engaging Equity Stakeholders
This resource provides information regarding the process for conducting local stakeholder engagement activities to solicit feedback to be used in the development of actions and services in the LCAP for Priority 1. LEAs may consider revisiting and/or revising their root cause analysis and strategy development with these stakeholders.
Resource—Equitable Access Strategy Development
This resource for LEAs includes tools for identifying strategies to address equitable access disparities they may find through their root cause analyses. Documents include teacher recruitment and retention strategies.
Charter Schools and Single-School Districts
All LEAs applying for ESSA funds must complete this section of the LCAP Federal Addendum. This provision requires LEAs to analyze and compare data across school sites and therefore charter schools and single-school districts are not required to provide a substantive response. Charter schools or single-school districts may use the following appropriate responses:
- Not applicable. LEA is a charter school.
- Not applicable. LEA is a single-school district.