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ELA/ELD Framework Vignettes Summary Sheet

Note that each grade level section has a pair of vignettes that should be interpreted together: an ELA/Literacy with integrated ELD vignette and a companion designated ELD vignette.
Grade ELA/Literacy (with Integrated ELD) Designated ELD
(builds into and from the content instruction in the ELA/Literacy vignette)


Retelling and Rewriting Stories (The Three Little Pigs)

Retelling Stories
Past Tense Verbs and Expanded Sentences


Interactive read aloud (story)
Wolf, Becky Bloom

General academic vocabulary instruction


Interactive read aloud (science informational text)
The Honeymakers, Gail Gibbons

Unpacking grammatically complex sentences


Close reading of stories Author study – Kevin Henkes

Verb analysis (showing what the character is thinking and feeling)


Collaborative summarizing using informational text Photosynthesis (Science)

Creating complex sentences showing relationships of time


Writing biographies
Template for analyzing text organization

5-day general academic vocabulary teaching cycle


Science report writing: Text reconstruction Information report outline

Using text connectives to build text cohesion


Close reading of a memoir Robert Feynman (Physicist) Central idea

Language analysis of Feynman’s memoir


Close reading of an informational text
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan

Unpacking arguments: text organization and language for persuading


Collaboratively analyzing complex texts First amendment rights mini unit (H/SS)

Using persuasive language to debate


Examining diverse perspectives in World Literature using
Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe Interdisciplinary unit ELA/History

Analyzing a history text
Verb processes
Verb groups


Reading, analyzing, & discussing history text; using language for engaging in academic discourse
Interdisciplinary unit ELA/History

Unpacking sentences, discussing language, analyzing nominalization and passive voice in a history text

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Monday, June 24, 2024
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