2021 California Arts Adoption Notice
Notice of intent to hold a 2021 Arts Instructional Materials Adoption.The California State Board of Education (SBE) has scheduled an Arts Instructional Materials Adoption for 2021. This adoption will consider publisher submissions for instructional materials programs designed for kindergarten through grade eight. Final SBE consideration of submitted programs will occur in November 2021.
The SBE approved the Schedule of Significant Events (link) for the 2021 Arts Instructional Materials Adoption on March 12 (accurate?), 2020. At its May 6–7, 2020 public meeting, the SBE will approve a revision to the Arts Curriculum Framework (link), which includes instructional materials evaluation criteria. These actions authorize the adoption of instructional materials.
Publisher Fee
Pursuant to Education Code Section 60213
, the CDE will assess publishers participating in the 2020 Health Instructional Materials Adoption a fee for each grade level of each program a publisher submits for consideration of adoption. The proposed participation fee will be $8,000 for each grade level per the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 9517.3
. The fee shall be payable by the publisher even if the publisher subsequently chooses to withdraw a program or reduce the number of grade levels submitted for review.
Additional Information
For additional information please visit the CDE Arts Instructional Materials web page. You may also contact the CDE Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division at 916-319-0881.