DataQuest Update, Issue #12
DataQuest is an online data reporting resource that provides access to a wide variety of data reports and downloadable data files.April 12, 2022
DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s (CDE) public data reporting web site that provides meaningful data and statistics about California’s K-12 public education system that supports a wide variety of informational, research, and policy needs. The purpose of the DataQuest Update is to provide: (1) announcements regarding public data releases and availability; (2) general information and analysis on various data reporting topics; and (3) practical tips on how to effectively use DataQuest to obtain information. For questions regarding DataQuest, please submit an email to
Release of New Data Reports on DataQuest
The CDE has released the 2021–22 Annual Enrollment, English Learner, and Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) data reports on the CDE DataQuest website. For more information regarding the Census Day Enrollment Reports please refer to the California Department of Education News Release, 2021–22 Statewide School Enrollment Data Released.
The reports included in this release are based on data submitted and certified in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) by districts and charter schools. The Annual Enrollment, English Learner, and FRPM reports reflect data on Census Day 2021 (the first Wednesday in October). As a reminder, beginning in 2020–21, the annual enrollment counts provided in the DataQuest reports and in the supporting downloadable files include both primary and short-term enrollments to align with other uses of the data, including the Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) used in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)and FRPM data, both of which include primary and short-term enrollments on Census Day.
The DataQuest reports provided in this release include the following:
2021–22 Annual Enrollment Reports
- Statewide Enrollment by Ethnicity and Grade
- Statewide Enrollment Multi-Year Summary by Ethnicity
- Statewide Enrollment by Ethnicity (with county data)
- Statewide Enrollment Multi-Year Summary by Grade
- Statewide Enrollment by Grade (with county Data)
- Statewide Enrollment by Ethnicity for Charter and Non-Charter Schools
- Statewide Enrollment by Subgroup for Charter and Non-Charter Schools
- Statewide Enrollment for Charter and Non-Charter Schools (with county data)
- Statewide Enrollment Multi-Year Summary for Charter and Non-Charter Schools
- Statewide K-12 Enrollment by Age Group and Grade
- Statewide K-12 Enrollment by Age Range (with county data)
- Enrollment by English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) and Grade
- Enrollment by English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) (with county data
2021–22 English Learner (EL) Reports
- Enrollment by English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) and Grade
- Enrollment by English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) (with county data)
- English Learners by Language and Grade
- Language Group Data - Statewide
Please Note: In prior years, as part of this data release, the CDE has released data reports and downloadable data files on Annual Reclassification (RFEP) Counts and Rates. However, in 2020–21, the collection of annual RFEP data transitioned from the Fall 1 collection (Census Day) to the End-of-Year (EOY) collection in CALPADS. As a result, the CDE will be developing new DataQuest reports to support this transition, which should be released later this year.
2021–22 Free and Reduced-Price Meal Reports
- Free and Reduced-Price Meal - State summary (summary data only)
- Free and Reduced-Price Meal - State summary (with county data)
2021–22 Classified Staff Reports
- Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) of Classified Staff with Detail Info
- Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) of Classified Staff by County
2022–23 Estimated Teacher Hires Reports
- Estimated Number of Teacher Hires by Subject
2020–21 Transitional Kindergarten Reports
- Transitional Kindergarten Participation by Ethnicity
- Transitional Kindergarten Participation (with county/district/school data)
How to Access Data
Users may access the above DataQuest reports by performing the following steps:
- Navigate to the DataQuest Homepage
- Select the desired Level (State, County, District, or School)
- Select desired report from drop down menu
- Select "Submit"
- Select the desired Year
- 2021–22
- Select "Submit"
- Select desired report from the menu
Supporting Downloadable Data Files
The following supporting downloadable data files are included in this release:
- Census Day Primary & Short-Term Enrollment by School
- Student Poverty FRPM Data
- English Learners by Grade & Language
- FEP Students by Grade & Language
- Classified Staff by Race/Ethnicity & Gender
- CBEDS Data about Schools & Districts
- Transitional Kindergarten Data
Additional Downloadable Data Files
The following additional downloadable data files are included in this release:
Upcoming Data Releases
Later in 2022, the CDE anticipates the public release of the following:
- 2020–21 Teacher Assignment Monitoring reports and data files
- 2021–22 Long-Term English Learner reports and data files
- 2018–19 and 2019–20 College-Going Rate reports and data files
- 2020–21 New Annual Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Counts and Rates reports and data files
- 2019–20, 2020–21, and 2021–22 New Staff, Course, and Class related reports and data files