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Student Poverty – FRPM Data 2011–12

Downloadable data files pertaining to students eligible for free and reduced price meals (FRPM). Data are sourced from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS).

The California Department of Education (CDE) has made available the following school-level data that local educational agencies (LEAs) certified in either the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) as part of their 2011–12 Fall 1 submission, or the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) as part of their 2011–12 data submission.

For 2011–12, as a result of a partial transition to CALPADS, the free and reduced price meals (FRPM) student eligibility data were sourced from two data systems: CALPADS and CARS. The level of detail will vary depending on the source data system as follows:

  • If the free and reduced price meal counts are reflected separately:
    • Then the LEA certified its data in the CARS system.
  • If the free and reduced price meal counts are blank, but there is a free and reduced price meals (FRPM) total:
    • Then the LEA did not certify its data in CARS, and the data were sourced from CALPADS. CALPADS did not collect the free and reduced data separately.
  • If there are no FRPM data reflected:
    • Then the LEA either had no students ages 5–17 enrolled on Information Day, or the LEA did not certify data at all (neither in CALPADS nor CARS).

School Level Data File

Refer to the main Student Poverty – FRPM Data Web page for the data file.

CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 3, 2025