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File Structure: One-Year Graduate Counts

File structure for downloadable data files for one-year graduates by race/ethnicity, student program subgroup, and gender.

Files include state, county, district, and school level data. Please refer to the file structure for details on what data are contained in the file.

Field Description


The academic year corresponding to year of high school graduation.


An indicator of the aggregation level.

  • T = State
  • C = County
  • D = District
  • S = School


A unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.


A unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.

SCHOOL CODE A unique seven-digit code corresponding to the school.
COUNTY NAME County name.
DISTRICT NAME District or administrative authority name.
SCHOOL NAME School name.


An indicator of the student group reporting category (race/ethnicity, gender, or program subgroup) disaggregation or subset. NOTE: Select Reporting Category = TA for aggregate totals without consideration of a Reporting Category student group.

  • RB = African American
  • RI = American Indian or Alaska Native
  • RA = Asian
  • RF = Filipino
  • RH = Hispanic or Latino
  • RD = Not Reported
  • RP = Pacific Islander
  • RT = Two or More Races
  • RW = White
  • GM = Male
  • GF = Female
  • X = Non-Binary Gender (Beginning 2019–20)
  • Z = Missing Gender
  • SE = English Learners
  • SD = Students with Disabilities
  • SS = Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
  • SM = Migrant
  • SF = Foster
  • SH = Homeless
  • TA = Total
ONE-YEAR GRADUATE COUNT The total number of students who graduated from high school during the academic year and the subsequent summer school.
Questions: Data Reporting Office | | 916-327-0219 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 3, 2024
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