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File Structure: Staff Demographics Record

File structure for the staff demographics record, which includes demographic and full-time equivalent (FTE) data for K-12 public education certificated teachers, administrators, and pupil services personnel reported as employed on Information Day.

Note: This file contains approximately 300,000 records. Some spreadsheets and editors will not support files of this size. Database software programs (i.e., MS-SQL, Access, etc.) will be able to support this data set.

Field Name Type Field Width Description
Academic Year Character 4 Academic year for the data. This data is collected on the first Wednesday in October. For example '1415' would indicate that the Academic school year is 2014–2015 and the data was collected in October 2014.
RecID  Character  7 This code is a randomly generated number assigned to each staff. The code assigned for one year may not be the same code assigned to the same staff member for another year. Therefore, the code cannot be used to match records over time.
DistrictCode  Character  7 This 7-digit code is the official, unique identification of a school district or county office within California. The first two digits identify the county and the next five digits identify the school district.
CountyName Character 15 County name. 
DistrictName Character 50 District name. 
GenderCode  Character  1

This field is a coded field identifying gender. The gender is coded as follows:

  • M = Male
  • F = Female
  • Null or Blank = Not reported
Age Numeric  2 This field contains the age of the staff member on Census Day.
EducationLevel  Character  1

This is a coded field for staff member's highest educational level (honorary degrees not included). The highest educational levels are coded as follows: 

  • D = Doctorate
  • S = Special
  • V = Master's degree plus 30 or more semester hours
  • M = Master's degree
  • U = Fifth year within bachelor's degree
  • Y = Fifth year induction
  • F = Fifth year
  • C = Baccalaureate plus 30 or more semester hours
  • B = Baccalaureate
  • A = Associate degree
  • N = Not reported
EthnicGroup  Character  1

This is a coded field for staff member's racial/ethnic designation. The code indicates the racial or ethnic designation to which the certificated staff belongs or with which he/she most closely identifies.  The racial/ethnic designations are coded as follows:

  • 0 = Not Reported
  • 1 = American Indian or Alaska Native, not Hispanic
  • 2 = Asian, not Hispanic
  • 3 = Pacific Islander, not Hispanic
  • 4 = Filipino, not Hispanic
  • 5 = Hispanic or Latino
  • 6 = African American, not Hispanic
  • 7 = White, not Hispanic
  • 9 = Two or More Races, not Hispanic
YearsTeaching  Numeric  3 Total years of public and/or private educational service. Includes services in this district, other districts, other states, and countries. Does not include substitute teaching or classified staff service. The first year of service is counted as 1 year.
YearsInDistrict Numeric  3 Total years of service in a certificated position in the district. The first year of service is counted as 1 year.
EmploymentStatusCode Character  1

Indicates whether the teacher's position is tenured, probationary, or long-term substitute or temporary employee.  The field is coded as follows:

  • L = Long term substitute or temporary employee
  • P = Probationary
  • T = Tenured
  • O = Other
  • Blank = Not reported
FTE Teaching Numeric  3

An employee of the school district who holds a position requiring certification and whose duties require direct instruction to the pupils in the school(s) of that district.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching duties. A value of 100 represents one full time equivalent. A value of 50 represents one half FTE.
FTE Administrative Numeric  3

An employee of the district in a position requiring certification but who is not required to provide direct instruction to pupils or direct services to pupils. 

FTE administrative duties. A value of 100 represents one full time equivalent. A value of 50 represents one half FTE.

FTE Pupil Services Numeric  3

An employee of the district in a position requiring a standard designated services credential, health, development credential, or a librarian credential and who performs direct services to pupils (e.g. counselors, guidance and welfare personnel, librarians, psychologists, etc.).

FTE pupil services duties. A value of 100 represents one full time equivalent. A value of 50 represents one half FTE.
FileCreated Date 10

Date that the file was created.

Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 30, 2024