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CBEDS-ORA Quick Guide

This guide is intended to be a short outline of the steps necessary to use the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) - Online Reporting Application (ORA) for submitting CBEDS data.
Topic Instructions
Instructional Materials For instructions on how to report data on the School Information Form (SIF) and the County/District Information Form (CDIF), and District of Choice Supplemental (DOCS), please refer to the CBEDS Administrative Manual posted on the CDE CBEDS[] web page.
Training CBEDS Training is available via the CDE CBEDS[] web page (under the Training heading). The CBEDS Training covers the following: Collecting, reporting, reviewing and certifying CBEDS data.
Gathering Data (to be submitted via CBEDS-ORA)

Be sure that you have data for each of the schools in your local educational agency (LEA), including charter schools authorized by your LEA, unless the charter schools have elected to submit their data independently from your LEA.

Review the CBEDS forms on the CBEDS web page to determine what data are needed. Some LEAs have the data available centrally; other LEAs must collect data manually from each of the schools in the LEA. Use of CBEDS-ORA will depend on how the data are available at your LEA.

The different methods used to collect data include the following:

  • Data are collected in hard-copy format from each school (and then the data are manually entered into CBEDS-ORA).
    Blank forms may be printed from CBEDS-ORA and provided to schools, or schools may print the forms from the CDE CBEDS[] web page.

    Schools then complete the forms, and forward them to the LEA for manual key entry into CBEDS-ORA.

  • Data are collected electronically (and then imported directly into CBEDS-ORA).
    If the data are available in an electronic format, the data may be imported into the CBEDS-ORA without data entry. The data must be in the format specified in the CBEDS File Import Specifications 2024-CDIF and SIF[] (DOCX), which is available through CBEDS-ORA by selecting the Advanced Features “Import” or “Export” options.
Logging into CBEDS-ORA Logon page:
Navigate to the CBEDS-ORA[] logon page.

User name and password are necessary to log on:
Enter your unique user name and password and select "Logon" to access the application. User names and passwords are case sensitive. If you need your user name and/or password, utilize the “Retrieve User Name/Password” feature on CBEDS-ORA log in page. You can also contact the CBEDS/CDS Support Office by email at
Features of CBEDS-ORA

CBEDS-ORA includes the following features/components:

  • List of Expected Schools – View a list of schools that are expected to submit CBEDS data.
  • Update User Information – Make changes to CBEDS Coordinator contact information.
  • Edit – Key/enter or update CDIF/SIF data.
  • Import – Load a file containing CDIF/SIF data to bypass key entry.
  • Export – Obtain a file of CDIF/SIF data contained in ORA.
  • Reports – View or print reports.
  • Certify Data – Certify your CBEDS data.
These features are outlined in more detail below.
Reviewing the List of Expected Schools

The List of Expected Schools is a report containing all of the schools in your LEA that are required to report CBEDS data. Review the list carefully and, if necessary, follow the instructions on the report for making any corrections.

If there is a charter school that you thought was reporting independently of your LEA, yet the school is on your list of schools for which you are expected to report data, please have the charter school verify its reporting status with the CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office by email at
Updating User Information

The "Update User Information" feature allows coordinators to easily update their contact information. Follow these steps to update coordinator information:

  1. Select the “Update User Information” option from the main menu.
  2. Select the “Edit” button.
  3. Make appropriate updates and “Submit” your changes.
Entering and Editing SIF Data

Follow the steps below to enter/edit SIF data:

  1. Select the “Edit” option from the main menu.
  2. Select a school from the list of schools in the drop-down menu and select the “Select” button.
  3. Once the system loads the school’s information, Section A on the form will be displayed. Select the “Edit/Update Data Below” button and enter data for the school’s classified staff.
  4. Select the “Save” button to save and view your keyed entry, or you may select the “Cancel” button to exit without saving.

    Note: If an error is detected in the data that have been entered/keyed into the system, a note with an explanation of the error will be displayed at the top of the screen. You will not be allowed to save and exit if errors have been detected. You must fix the error(s) prior to saving and exiting, or you may select the “Cancel” button to exit without saving.
  5. To view or edit another section, select the appropriate section tabs corresponding to the section(s) you wish to access.
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to edit and save data.
  7. To select another school to edit, select the “Select a School or District Office” button at the top of the screen and repeat the appropriate steps above.
Entering and Editing CDIF Data

Follow the steps below to enter/edit CDIF data. Note: This section does not apply to independently reporting charter schools, as they do not complete a CDIF.

  1. From the main menu, select the “Edit” option.
  2. Select “District Office (CDIF)” from the list of schools in the drop-down menu and select on the “Select” button.
  3. Once the system loads the District Office information, Section A on the form will be displayed. Select the “Edit/Update Data Below” button and enter data for district/county office classified staff.
  4. Select the “Save” button to save and view your keyed entry, or you may select the “Cancel” button to exit without saving.

    Note: If an error is detected in the data that have been entered/keyed into the system, a note with an explanation of the error will be displayed at the top of the screen. You will not be allowed to save and exit if errors have been detected. You must fix the error(s) prior to proceeding, or you may select the “Cancel” button to exit without saving.
  5. To view or edit another section, select the appropriate section tabs corresponding to the section(s) you wish to access.
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to edit and save data for each section.
Entering and Editing District of Choice Data

This portion only applies to districts participating in the District of Choice program.

Follow the steps below to enter and edit the District of Choice Supplemental (DOCS) data:

  1. Select the “DOCS Menu” option from the Main Menu.
  2. Select the “District of Choice Transfer Request Data” from the DOCS Menu.
  3. You’ll be taken to the DOCS Form Section A. Select “Edit/Update Data Below” button and enter data for the number of transfer requests and any reasons for denial that apply.
  4. Select the “Add District of Residence” button to add transportation data for a district of residence (DOR).
  5. Select a DOR from the dropdown list.
  6. Enter applicable transportation data in sections B and C.
  7. Select the “Save” button to save and view your key entry, or you may select the “Cancel” button to exit without saving.
  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to add transportation data for additional DORs.
  9. Select the “Back to DOR Data” button to access a list of DORs that you have entered data for. From this page you can view, edit, or delete DOR data.
  10. Select the “Back to DOCS Menu” button to return to the DOCS Menu. From here you can access DOCS reports, or other DOCS features.
  11. Select the “CBEDS Menu” link to return to the CBEDS Main Menu."
Available Reports

The following reports are available for LEAs through CBEDS-ORA:

  • Blank CDIF and SIF forms
  • Completed CDIF and SIF forms
  • District Summary
  • SIF Summary of Current and Last Year
  • Prior year CDIF and SIF Completed forms
  • Summary reports by school for each section
  • Full-time Equivalent of Classified Staff by School and District Office
  • Kindergarten Program Type by School
  • Educational Calendar Totals by School
  • Errors and Warnings
  • Explanation of Errors and Warnings
  • Import File Submission
  • Certification Receipt (this is only available if your LEA has certified data)
Resolving Errors and Warnings

Once all data have been entered or uploaded into the application, you will need to ensure that data are error-free and that all warnings have been reviewed.

A report that details all errors and warnings for each school may be printed by selecting the “Reports” option from the main menu and choosing the “Errors and Warnings” report.

All errors must be resolved before data can be submitted. All warnings should be reviewed.

NOTE: System warnings will not prevent data submission.
Verifying Data

CBEDS data should be verified for accuracy and completeness prior to submission to the California Department of Education (CDE).

Summary and school-level reports are available from the “Reports” menu and may be printed and used during the data verification process.
Certifying Data

Follow the steps below to certify your data:

  1. Select the “Certify Data” option from the main menu.
  2. Select the “Certify Submission” button to begin the certification process. At this point, the system will go through its final “edit checks” regarding your data submission. Based on the results of the final edit check review, you will receive either a “Submission Failure” message with a list of errors that must be fixed prior to data submission and certification, or you’ll receive a Certification Summary Report summarizing the data you are about to submit with a listing of warnings, if any, that you should verify.
  3. If no errors are detected in your data and the information on the Certification Summary Report is accurate, select the “Certify” button to submit your data.
  4. Once your data have been successfully submitted, you will receive a Certification Receipt with a “Congratulations” message.
Importing Data (Advanced Features)

If you choose to import data, the imported file must match the CBEDS file specifications. The import specifications are available in the CBEDS File Import Specifications 2024-CDIF and SIF[] (DOCX), and also through CBEDS-ORA by selecting the Advanced Features “Import” or “Export” menu options. Follow the steps below to import data:

  1. Select the “Advanced Features” option from the main menu.
  2. Select the “Import” option from the Advanced Features menu.
  3. Select the “Browse” button to navigate to the appropriate file on your computer.
  4. Once a file is selected, select the “Upload File” button to import the file. Upon successful upload of the file, the “Import File Submissions” report will appear with details about your file.
  5. Files being imported are run through two types of checks:
    • A “format” check
    • A “data validation” check
  6. If your file does not pass these checks, it will not be processed. Review the Format Checker report, and if there are errors with the format of your file, you will need to fix the errors and import a new file in order for the data to be processed and loaded successfully. If your file passes the format check, review the Errors and Warnings report to see if there were any data validation errors or warnings with your file. This report is available under the Reports menu. These checks are also run at submission/certification.
  7. If your data passes the format and validation checks, the data will be loaded successfully, and you will be able to view the imported school or LEA data by following the steps for “Entering and Editing SIF Data” or “Entering and Editing CDIF Data” outlined above.
Exporting Data (Advanced Features)

Exporting allows users to obtain a tab-delimited text file of the CDIF and SIF data that are currently in CBEDS-ORA. One use of this feature is to create a backup file of the CDIF and SIF data in CBEDS-ORA that may be saved to your computer or to a disk. Follow the steps below to export data:

  1. Select the “Advanced Features” option from the Main Menu.
  2. Select the “Export” option from the Advanced Features Menu.
  3. Select the “Export Data” button and save the file to your computer. You will need to save the file as a text file (.txt).
  4. Once your file downloads, you may need to close the “Download Complete” window.
Backing Up Data To back up your data, follow the steps listed in “Exporting Data (Advanced Features)” above. You may also print completed forms from the “Reports” menu.

Correcting Data

If you notice mistakes in your data submission, you may correct and resubmit your data. To do this, go into CBEDS-ORA and edit your data. The first time you attempt to edit your data, you will be asked to decertify, which must be done prior to amending data. Make any necessary corrections, and then recertify your data (as outlined in the "Certifying Data" section above).
Assistance For further assistance with CBEDS-ORA, contact the CBEDS/CDS Support Office by email at
Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-327-4014
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
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