Obtain revenue, expenditure, and fiscal program data for local educational agencies (LEAs).Annual Financial Data
Unaudited year-end data in downloadable, self-extracting files beginning with fiscal year 1995–96.
Unaudited year-end data in downloadable, self-extracting files beginning with fiscal year 1995–96.
Certificated Salaries & Benefits
Downloadable data files from the annual report Salary and Benefits Schedule for the Certificated Bargaining Unit (Form J-90).
Downloadable data files from the annual report Salary and Benefits Schedule for the Certificated Bargaining Unit (Form J-90).
Current Expense of Education & Per-pupil Spending
Calculation of current expense (cost) of education per average daily attendance (ADA) pursuant to Education Code Section 41372 and comparison of methods for calculating per-pupil spending.
Calculation of current expense (cost) of education per average daily attendance (ADA) pursuant to Education Code Section 41372 and comparison of methods for calculating per-pupil spending.
Indirect Cost Rates
List of California Department of Education approved rates for local educational agencies.
List of California Department of Education approved rates for local educational agencies.
SACS Data Viewer
Financial reports of local educational agencies including budget and interim reports, unaudited actual financial data, and supplemental forms, available in multiple formats beginning with fiscal year 2022–23.
Financial reports of local educational agencies including budget and interim reports, unaudited actual financial data, and supplemental forms, available in multiple formats beginning with fiscal year 2022–23.
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