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Transitional Kindergarten CDS Code Guidance

Provides guidance related to administering Transitional Kindergarten (TK) as it relates to County-District-School (CDS) codes.

It is the recommendation of the California Department of Education (CDE) that TK programs be administered by an existing elementary school(s) within the Local Education Agency (LEA). In cases where the elementary school does not have the capacity or facilities to house the TK program, they may utilize a satellite facility to house the program. The satellite facility shall be Field Act compliant and may include space at another school within the LEA, an old/closed LEA school site, a preschool site within the LEA, or other LEA owned facility. Since the TK program will be administered by an existing school that has a CDS code, the CDS code for the school that is administering the TK program shall remain the same, with the grade span changed to reflect the inclusion of kindergarten (assuming the grade span does not already include kindergarten), and a new CDS code shall not be issued.

In instances where an LEA has determined a need to establish a new elementary school, via local governing board approval, to administer TK, the LEA may apply for a CDS code for the new school. The CDE shall determine whether the LEA meets the CDE’s Definition of a School for purposes of issuance of a new CDS code.  If approved, the code shall be used for funding, assessment, accountability, grant applications, data reporting, and tracking purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of using a satellite facility for TK?

An LEA may not have physical space for a new TK classroom at any existing elementary school locations. However, the LEA may have space for a TK classroom at an old/closed LEA school site. In this scenario the LEA could physically house the TK students at the old/closed LEA site but administer the TK classroom(s) from an existing elementary school that is located in another part of the LEA. The old/closed site would become a satellite location of an existing elementary school and the TK students would be enrolled under that elementary school’s CDS code even though they are physically located elsewhere.

Does CDE have a TK grade option?

The CDS database does not currently have a TK grade option. TK is considered part of kindergarten (K) and therefore LEAs should select the K grade option if a school administers TK.

Can a preschool add a TK/K grade?

Due to reporting requirements related to elementary schools/students, a preschool CDS code cannot be used to enroll TK/K students. However, an LEA could use an LEA preschool to physically locate the TK/K students as a satellite facility as described in this guidance. In this scenario the students would physically attend a TK classroom at the preschool site but would be enrolled in the CDS code associated with an LEA elementary school located elsewhere in the LEA.

Questions:   CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 04, 2024