The information on this web page was developed to help clarify student learning during quarantine and updated on September 13, 2021.
Concurrent instruction is permitted during Independent Study
Concurrent instruction (or “zoom in the room” as it is often referred to) is allowed under the Independent Study (IS) provisions in Assembly Bill (AB) 130, as amended by AB/Senate Bill (SB) 167. A classroom teacher can provide instruction to quarantined students via simulcast as long as there is a plan in place for supporting those students consistent with what is outlined for IS under AB 130, as amended by AB/SB 167. Attendance for students who participate in concurrent instruction can generate funding through meeting IS attendance accounting requirements. We are encouraging districts to collaborate and share ideas on how best to provide concurrent instruction from both a classroom and operational perspective.
Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) can earn apportionment for student attendance from first day of traditional IS/Short-Term Independent Study
LEAs may offer a less complex form of IS to students in their first 14 school days of IS; they do not have to provide synchronous instruction, daily live interaction, or tiered re-engagement for students during the first 14 school days. The 14 school days are cumulative over the school year. Therefore, in order to continue receiving apportionment funding for a student beyond the 14 days, LEAs must include synchronous instruction, access to daily live interaction, and tiered re-engagement pursuant to statute.
Retired teachers can be hired to support staff vacancies
Governor Newsom relaxed rules for when retired teachers can return to the classroom. An executive order signed by Governor Gavin Newsom allows retired school staff to return to school campuses to help fill staffing shortages without waiting 180 days after their retirement as had been previously required. This waiver, authorized by Executive Order N-12-21, is in effect until the state of emergency has ended.
The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) has relaxed certain requirements to address teacher shortages
On September 7, 2021, the CTC voted to postpone assessments for Preliminary Credential-RICA, TPA, CALAPA. More information on these flexibilities can be found on the CTC Guidance Regarding Actions Related to COVID-19 web page
LEAs can use state money to hire classified staff and more substitutes
AB 86 had funds in it for the purpose of hiring more classified staff to work as one-on-one aides and to support keeping campuses safe, clean, and sanitized. Many districts have increased compensation for substitutes as a way of creating a way to hire more substitutes.
Modified Quarantine may reduce the number of students who need to quarantine at home and rely on Independent Study
A modified quarantine uses testing and a careful watch for symptoms instead of removal from the school environment. It can be used for unvaccinated students when an exposure occurs and both parties were wearing a mask in any school setting in which students are supervised by school staff (including indoor or outdoor school settings and school buses). (As noted above, asymptomatic individuals who are vaccinated do not need to quarantine.) Those undergoing modified quarantine may continue to attend school for in-person instruction if they:
- Are asymptomatic;
- Continue to appropriately mask, as required;
- Undergo at least twice weekly testing during quarantine; and
- Refrain from extracurricular activities at school or in the community, including sports, for 7 to 10 days. (See standard quarantine duration standards).