LCFF Priority 7 Statement of Model Practices
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Priority 7 Statements of Model Practices are intended to support LEAs and their stakeholders in the Local Control and Accountability Plan development process.Desired Results: Programs and services, supporting access to and enrollment in a broad course of study, are developed and provided to students in grades 1–12 that account for the needs of individual students, including unduplicated students (i.e. English learners, low-income students, and foster youth) and students with disabilities.
For students in grades 1 through 6, a Broad Course of Study includes courses in English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science, Visual and Performing Arts, Health, Physical Education, and other studies that may be prescribed by the governing board.
For students in grades 7 through 12, a Broad Course of Studies includes courses in English, Social Sciences, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Science, Mathematics, Visual and Performing Arts, Applied Arts, and Career Technical Education.
All students receive instruction, aligned to California state content standards and curriculum frameworks, as well as any necessary intervention, accommodations, and assistance to meet graduation, college, and career requirements. Access to core academic content and courses that lead to graduation and success is provided to all students regardless of income, race, primary language, disability, and/or family situation. Standards aligned instruction requires collaboration among educators, support for teachers, and, most importantly, a sustained focus on the strengths and needs of individual students together with the persistent belief that all students can achieve academic excellence and be successful in life.
Model Practices: Examples of model practices in this area may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Create a foundation in early grades for the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to participate and achieve later success in courses required for graduation, college, and career by ensuring elementary students in grades 1–6 (including unduplicated students and students with disabilities) have access to and receive instruction in a broad course of study, including all of the subject areas in Education Code Section 51210.
- Support on-time high school graduation by ensuring students in grades 7–12 (including unduplicated students and students with disabilities) have access to and receive instruction in a broad course of study, including all of the subject areas in Education Code Section 51220 (a-i), as well as course recovery programs.
- Implement the state academic standards, the guidance in the frameworks for all content areas, and the practices of Universal Design for Learning to provide instruction that integrates multiple subject areas and supports cross-cultural understanding through a multi-tiered system of supports and services.
- Collaborate with other educators, at both the site level and LEA-wide, to calibrate the consistency of LEA programs, curricula, and materials across schools and classrooms, and to provide appropriate, specialized supports for individual students.
- Anticipate the needs of students in the preparation of a focused learning environment that:
- Supports the non-academic needs of students to create optimal conditions for learning in areas such as improving access to school meal programs, meeting the social-emotional needs of students through access to social workers and counselors, training all staff to implement Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies, and any other areas identified by the LEA as needing support;
- Provides opportunities for all students to participate fully in core academic and extracurricular activities, taking into account and mitigating barriers related to income, transportation, language, family/guardian engagement, special needs, and other locally identified factors;
- Utilizes a variety of appropriate strategies to accommodate different learning modalities and foster student engagement, such as manipulatives and embedded experiences;
- Provides student training and access to technology to prepare for college and career, such as the use of class sets of tablets or laptops, open-source learning, and learning experiences in information literacy, digital literacy, and digital citizenship;
- Provides opportunities for a variety of work-based learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom, as well as post-secondary credit accrual through dual enrollment or articulation.
- Ensure English learners receive language acquisition support for continuous progress toward English proficiency within five years, as well as continued progress in core academic programs, by providing English learners at all English proficiency levels with full access to all core academic programs including, but not limited to:
- Integrated English Language Development (ELD) that provides English learners with support for academic language development in core content courses;
- Designated ELD that provides specialized instruction to address particular language learning needs of English learners.
- Provide ongoing monitoring and support of reclassified English learners for at least four years after reclassification to ensure correct classification, placement, and whether additional academic support is needed.
- Increase enrollment in Career Technical Education (CTE) courses and CTE pathway completion. LEAs regularly and systematically promote student access to strong and supportive CTE pathways that incorporate college- and career-ready skills to provide a foundation for student success.
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