LCFF Resources: Priority 2 State Standards
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) resources for this priority includes implementation of academic content and performance standards for all students, including English learners.
Statement of Model Practices
LCFF Priority 2 Statement of Model Practices
The Statements of Model Practices are intended to support LEAs and their stakeholders in the LCAP development process. The Statements can help LEAs identify strategies and practices to meet their specific needs and potential areas of growth and may serve as good starting points for LEAs to begin dialogues with their stakeholders in each priority area.
Top resources aligned to LCFF Priority 2 are provided below. Select a priority link to display resources for that subject or select the Expand All link to display all the resources. The resources are organized in relation to key areas that are critical to the LCFF priority as outlined by statue.
English Language Arts – State Standards for English Language Arts
Top Resources
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State Board-Adopted English Language Arts (ELA)/English Language Development (ELD) Framework Chapters |
This ELA/ELD Framework guides the development of curriculum, instruction, assessment, instructional materials, and professional learning to ensure that all California learners benefit optimally and achieve their highest potential. |
English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework |
Offers a collection of resources that support language and literacy educators, administrators, parents, and interested members of the public with the implementation of the framework. |
English Language Arts/English Language Development Instructional Materials |
Information and resources for ELA/ELD instructional materials implementation, including a current list of adopted programs, adoption report, implementation guidelines, reviewer information, publishers information, and frequently asked questions (FAQs). |
Making Meaning of the CA Mathematics and ELA/ELD Framework - Helpful Tools for Every Audience (DOC) |
Provides concrete examples on how the ELA/ELD and Mathematics Frameworks, Executive Summaries, and Parent/Guardian Brochures can be used by stakeholders to more effectively implement the California standards. |
Mathematics – State Standards for Mathematics
Top Resources
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Mathematics |
Includes resources and information for enhancing the content knowledge and teaching skills of classroom teachers which help guide California's mathematics instruction. |
Mathematics Framework Chapters |
The Mathematics Framework provides educators and developers of instructional materials with a context for implementing the standards. |
Mathematics Instructional Materials |
Information and resources for mathematics instructional materials, including current list of adopted programs, adoption report, reviewer information, publishers information, and FAQs. |
Making Meaning of the CA Mathematics and ELA/ELD Framework - Helpful Tools for Every Audience (DOC) |
Provides concrete examples on how the ELA/ELD and Mathematics Frameworks, Executive Summaries, and Parent/Guardian Brochures can be used by stakeholders to more effectively implement the California standards. |
Early Math Project
Focuses on the importance of math in early education (birth to age eight) providing tools to advance mathematical learning. |
English Language Development
Career Technical Education
Health Education
Content Standards
Model School Library Standards
Top Resources
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School Library Standards |
Provides information about and resources to support the Model School Library Standards for California Public Schools. |
Physical Education Model Content Standards
Top Resources
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Physical Education |
Resources for developing quality physical education programs designed to provide students with the knowledge and ability needed to maintain active, healthy lifestyles. |
Physical Fitness Tests |
Provides information on the physical fitness test schedules, reports links, and exemption information. |
Next Generation Science Standards
Visual and Performing Arts
World Language
Top Resources
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CA Education for a Global Economy |
Provides guidance on students mastering the English language, and receiving access to high-quality, innovative, and research-based language programs to fully participate in a global economy. |
World Language Standards |
The information and resources listed are intended to provide guidance to administrators and teachers in implementing a world languages program. |
English learners having access to the state standards and the English Language Development standards for purposes of gaining academic content knowledge and English language proficiency.
Top Resources
Deeper Dive
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Blueprint for Improving Instruction, Accessibility, and Outcomes for All Students
The recorded sessions and materials include presentations on the State Standards as it relates to the Special Education Community. |
California Common Core State Standards, Shedding the Light Symposium: Early Education
Provides technical assistance and professional learning on high quality instruction for infants, toddlers, and preschool children to support inclusive, accessible, and equitable learning for all students. |
Aligning Individualized Education Programs to California standards
The recorded sessions and materials include presentations on aligning individualized education programs to the Common Core State Standards. |
Preschool Curriculum Framework |
The Preschool Curriculum Framework give research-based strategies on teaching approaches, relationships, environments, and activities to early childhood educators that promote children’s healthy development and learning so that young children are better prepared for success in school and in life. |
Preschool Learning Foundations and DVD series |
Provides visual illustrations for each of the foundations with examples of behavior of young children at 8, 18, 36, 48, and 60 months, as described in the foundations publications. |
The Transitional Kindergarten Implementation Guide, including online videos (PDF) |
Describes the essential components for school district administrators and teachers to consider as they develop comprehensive Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programs. |
Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations (PDF) |
Describes the knowledge and skills that young children typically acquire when given support in high quality early care and education programs. |
Professional Learning |
Provides opportunities for educators to enhance their understanding of how they can help students learn and thrive. |
Best Practices for Planning Curriculum for Young Children Series: The Integrated Nature of Learning (PDF) |
This publication illumines best-practice approaches to teaching with the integrated nature of learning in mind. |
CDE PD Twitter
A Twitter account to highlight PD opportunities across the state and beyond. |
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Last Reviewed: Friday, May 24, 2024
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