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LCFF Resources: Priority 9 Expelled Youth

Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Priority 9 addresses coordination of instruction of expelled students.

Statement of Model Practices

LCFF Priority 9 Statement of Model Practices
The Statements of Model Practices are intended to support LEAs and their stakeholders in the LCAP development process. The Statements can help LEAs identify strategies and practices to meet their specific needs and potential areas of growth and may serve as good starting points for LEAs to begin dialogues with their stakeholders in each priority area.


Top resources aligned to LCFF Priority 9 are provided below. Select a Priority link to display resources for that subject.

Top Resources
Resource Description
Countywide Plans for Expelled Students Provides information on how to develop countywide plans for providing educational services to all expelled pupils.

Child Welfare & Attendance

Offers guidance on specialized student support services that combines counseling and legal remedies to resolve complicated or persistent student attendance or behavior problems.
Behavioral Intervention Strategies and Supports Offers strategies to reduce suspension and expulsion rates.

Counseling/Student Support

Offers guidance on counseling and student support.
School Attendance Review Boards Offers Information about school attendance review boards (SARBs) that are composed of school and community members who meet regularly to diagnose and resolve persistent student attendance or behavior problems.
Deeper Dive
Resource Description
Educational Options Provides school and program alternatives with environment, curriculum, and support systems needed to ensure that students achieve their full academic potential.
Administrator Recommendation of Expulsion Matrix This matrix is a tool designed to help administrators decide when expulsion of a student is deemed mandatory, expected, or at the administrators' discretion.

Return to LCFF/Whole Child Resource Map

Questions:   One System/Whole Child Integration |
Last Reviewed: Friday, May 24, 2024
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