SACS Resource Spreadsheets
Downloadable Excel spreadsheets containing Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) resource codes.Master List of Resources
This downloadable spreadsheet file contains the history of all resource codes, including the resource title and when they were initially assigned. This spreadsheet is available as a Microsoft Excel (XLSX) document.
Master List of Resources (XLSX; Revised 15-Nov-2024)
Program Cost Accounts (PCAs) and Associated Resources (PCA/Resource Spreadsheet)
The PCA/Resource spreadsheet is in Microsoft Excel format and displays information about program cost accounts and their associated SACS resource codes. Included in this spreadsheet is the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number, allowable indirect cost rate, contacts for more information, etc.
PCAs and Associated Resources (EXE; Revised 15-Nov-2024)
The School Fiscal Services Division updates these spreadsheets periodically. If you would like an e-mail notification of updates, please send a blank message to to subscribe to the sacs-update mailing list.