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SACS Minutes, October 2016, Attachment A

This document is Attachment A to the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Forum meeting minutes for October 18, 2016.

Summary of SACS Resource Code Changes effective 2016–17

Resource Revenue Object Title
7338 8590 College Readiness Block Grant


OBSOLETE RESOURCE CODES — last available fiscal year 2015–16
Resource Revenue Object Title/Explanation
1300 8434 Class Size Reduction Operations, Grades K-3
2200 8091 Continuation Education (Education Code sections 42244 and 48438)
2400 8091 Juvenile Court/County Community Schools
2410 8091 Juvenile Court (Education Code Section 1982.5)
2420 8091 County Community Schools (Education Code sections 1980-1982.3)
2430 8311 Community Day Schools
2900 8091 Other Restricted Revenue Limit Sources
6075 8590 Child Development: State Family Child Care Homes
6250 8590 Early Mental Health Initiative (EMHI) (Department of Mental Health)
6525 8590 Special Ed: Cross-Cultural Assessments
6530 8590 Special Ed: Low Incidence Entitlement
6535 8590 Special Ed: Personnel Staff Development
7090 8311 Economic Impact Aid (EIA): State Compensatory Education (SCE)
7091 8311 Economic Impact Aid: Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
7230 8311 Transportation: Home to School
7235 8590 Transportation: Bus Replacement
7240 8311 Transportation: Special Education (SH/OH) Education Code sections 41850-41851.2
7250 8990 School-Based Coordination Program (SBCP)
7340 8590 Staff Development: Intersegmental Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID)


Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 02, 2024
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