Spreadsheets of Valid Combinations
These are downloadable Excel spreadsheet files containing the active Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) valid combinations for use in the SACS financial reporting software and in the SACS Web-based Financial Reporting System.The spreadsheets may be used to check the valid SACS combinations as follows:
Valid Account Code Combinations
Spreadsheet | Code Combinations Checked |
Fund X Resource | All funds and all resources |
Fund X Goal | All funds and all goals |
Fund X Function | All funds and all functions |
Fund X Object | All funds and objects |
Function X Object | All functions with expenditure objects 1000–7999 |
Resource X Object | All resources with revenue and balance sheet account objects 8000–9999 |
Goal X Function | All goals with expenditure objects 1000–7999 in functions 1000s, 4000s, 5000s, and 7200–7700, except 7210 |
Each cell in the spreadsheets indicates for which of the three types of local educational agency (LEA) that combination is allowable:
D - allowable for districts
C - allowable for county offices
J - allowable for joint powers agreements/agencies (JPAs)
(blank) - not allowable for any LEA type
The names of the spreadsheets follow this convention:
YYYY Contents of Columns X Contents of Rows
For example, 2024 Fund X Object is the spreadsheet that describes the allowable combinations of fund and object for 2024–25.
Spreadsheet of Valid Combinations (EXE; Revised 15-Nov-2024)
Financial Accountability & Information Services | sacsinfo@cde.ca.gov | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Thursday, December 19, 2024
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