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Assembly Bill (AB) 86 Adult Education FAQs

Questions and answers regarding AB 86 Adult Education.

Carryover and Allowable Expenditures

Can expenditures from carryover funding, Community-based English Tutoring (CBET), or lottery be included in the report? We incurred the expenditures, but did not technically use the adult education state funding.

Any expenditures incurred from unrestricted resources may be included. Fund 11 adult education carryover funds from the 2007–08 fiscal year (when adult education funds were restricted), are considered unrestricted in the 2012–13 fiscal year and therefore can be included.

Expenditures from federal or other restricted resources are not included. Expenditures supported by fees are not included.

The total amount reported should not exceed the amount received as noted on the spreadsheet found on California Department of Education's (CDE) Adult Education Block Grant Program under Funding.

Can California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKS) expenditures from the 2012–13 Budget Item 6110-156-0001 (Schedule 2) be included?

No. CalWORKS funding is not included as part of this survey.

We have a principal that oversees the five targeted adult education programs plus two other adult education programs. Since we would have the principal even without the other two adult education programs, I plan to count 100% of the principal’s time. Does that seem reasonable?

No. The principal’s time should be prorated based on the actual time spent in the seven program areas in the 2012–13 fiscal year.

Administrative Expenditures

Can general operating, administrative, or maintenance expenditures be included?

For the purposes of this survey, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) can count costs such as maintenance and operations, indirect costs, and other overhead costs incurred on behalf of adult education programs, toward the state expenditures supporting the adult education programs, to the extent that these costs were not supported by federal or other restricted resources or by fees. However, in-kind costs should not be reported on this survey.

Maintenance of Effort (MOE)

If a district replied "NO" to the MOE, what will happen to those districts that did not comply with the MOE requirement? Would the district have to pay the revenue back to the California Department of Education (CDE) if it didn't meet the MOE?

If the MOE is not met, in the 2014–15 fiscal year, the auditor will report a finding that will appear in the Local Education Agency's (LEA’s) annual audit report, but there is no payback of funds.

The MOE for 2013–14 and 2014–15 did not limit expenditures to just the five program areas. Why is this survey asking for the five program areas?

You are correct that the MOE in 2013–14 and 2014–15 covered all adult education expenditures. The five programs are broken out for purposes of this survey because that is the proposal for the 2015–16 budget.

Zero Survey

If we received funds but did not operate an adult education program in the 2012–13 fiscal year, do we just prepare a zero survey and expect an invoice?

You should report that there were no expenditures in the 2012–13 fiscal year, but you will not receive an invoice.


Can we use a proration based on average daily attendance (ADA)?

Each Local Educational Agency (LEA) should use the methodology that would result in the most accurate estimates. Adult education ADA was not reported to the state, but your district may have calculated adult education attendance and have the available records.

State Funding Received

I am a basic aid district. What is the amount we received in the 2012–13 fiscal year? Is it the amount before or after any fair share reductions?

For basic aid districts, the amount received is the amount before any fair share offsets. The amount allocated to each Local Educational Agency (LEA) is located on the spreadsheet found on CDE’s Adult Education Block Grant Program under Funding.


My superintendent did not receive the e-mail with a Personal Identification Number (PIN). How do I get it?

Send an e-mail to and a new e-mail with a PIN will be sent to the superintendent or contact person listed in the School Directory. Also, the superintendent may want to verify that the e-mail with PIN number is not in the “Junk” or “Spam” folder.

Can we amend the survey data after we submit it?

Yes. The survey may be amended as long as there is access. It will remain available for a short time period after the due date. Once the survey is no longer accessible, you may send any comments to


We incorporate a lot of computer basics into our parenting classes and we have been equipping our classroom with up-to-date technology for several years now. Does this count as an adult education short-term career education program?

We suggest you go back to your course catalog, course outline, and see what was offered. If it was listed as a Career Technical Education (CTE) course, and the course outline reflects that, then expenditures should be reported on the survey as a CTE expense. If you cannot justify it with the course catalog and the outline, then it should not be reported on the survey in one of the five AB86 program areas.

Questions:   Fiscal Oversight & Support |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 01, 2023
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